Symptoms | Cramps in the hands


In order to diagnose cramps in the hands, the subjective assessment of the patient plays a major role. It is important for the doctor to find out whether the cramps occur more frequently in certain situations, for example under stress or cold. It should also be possible to query and examine any underlying illnesses and thus confirm or exclude them. In most cases, a shift in the mineral balance is responsible for the cramps, and by taking magnesium and possibly abstaining from alcohol, the occurrence of the cramps can be prevented or at least reduced. If hormonal disorders or rheumatic underlying diseases are suspected, a blood count can provide information about the exact diagnosis.


The therapy of muscle cramps in the hands depends on the underlying disease. If the examination reveals circulatory disorders, hormonal disorders or neurological damage, these should be treated and this should lead to an alleviation of the cramp symptoms. If cramps in the hands occur without a known underlying disease, taking magnesium supplements often helps to reduce the frequency and severity of the cramps.

In addition, patients find various methods pleasant. Some are helped by positioning the hand high up, others massage or stretch the hand so that the pain subsides. If the cramps occur preferably in cold weather, wearing gloves can provide relief. If the patient has a circulatory disorder, it may be necessary to take certain medications.

Cramps in hands and legs

Cramps often occur not only in the hands but also in the legs, preferably in the toes. This can be the case in the context of various underlying diseases, but also in the case of seizures with no disease value. If there is a magnesium deficiency, it is even common that not only the hands but also the legs are affected, since the deficiency exists throughout the body. Hands and feet are often affected in Raynaud’s syndrome as well.

Cramps in the hands during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an enormous strain on the body and is accompanied by many changes in the body and hormone balance. The balance of minerals and water is also shifted. This can be the cause of cramps in the hands.

Changes in the calcium and magnesium balance are particularly responsible for this. Taking magnesium supplements can be very helpful here and alleviate the symptoms. But also the increased physical strain, which entails an increased need for nutrients, is a cause for the cramps. Especially from the middle of pregnancy onwards, cramps occur more and more, since the strain increases with the increasing weight of the child.