Symptoms | Deep leg vein thrombosis


Deep vein thrombosis of the leg can be manifested by certain symptoms. However, it can also remain without symptoms. When symptoms occur, three typical symptoms occur in the affected leg where the clot has formed.

Swelling of the leg, a dull pain and discoloration of the skin due to a lack of oxygen in the blood (cyanosis). It can also lead to overheating of the leg. A feeling of tension or heaviness in the legs can also indicate deep vein thrombosis.

Since deep vein thrombosis disrupts the blood flow and causes blood to back up, an increased vein pattern may be noticeable.If complications such as pulmonary embolism occur, symptoms can include sudden shortness of breath and dizziness. A feeling of weakness is also possible. Pulmonary embolism is an occlusion of one or more pulmonary arteries. These can be caused by a clot from the legs that has travelled through the bloodstream.


Even deep vein thrombosis can only be detected when symptoms occur. For example, a bluish discoloration or an increased vein pattern on the affected leg may be visually recognizable. The leg may feel warmer compared to the other.

In addition, a dull pain indicates deep vein thrombosis of the leg. In this way, one can independently perform the so-called “Homans sign”, whereby the tip of the foot is pulled upwards. The sign is positive if a pain is felt in the calf.

However, all these symptoms are not reliable signs that deep vein thrombosis is actually present, as other conditions such as a torn muscle fiber may also be present. For clarification, a doctor should be consulted who, in addition to the above-mentioned optical and palpable changes, can use imaging techniques such as color duplex sonography. In this procedure, the veins are displayed on a screen and compressed with the help of the ultrasound head.

In a healthy person, the veins can be compressed. If a thrombosis is present, compression is not possible. In addition, laboratory values, such as a D-dimer increase, can indicate deep vein thrombosis.