Symptoms | Dry skin on the face


Dry skin on the face is noticeable because it appears very dull and brittle. Many patients complain of an extremely rough and cracked skin surface that scratches and in many cases can cause severe itching. If the upper skin layer lacks moisture, it begins to contract and tighten.

A slight reddening of the skin is often seen in those areas of the face where the cracked areas begin to burst open. If the facial skin is not sufficiently cared for at this stage, the cracks can spread and increased scaling of the chapped areas of skin can occur. In the area of the corners of the mouth, very dry and irritated skin often develops so-called rhagades.

These are cracks in the corner of the mouth which are particularly unpleasant and painful because they are irritated and stressed again with every slight movement. In the case of highly irritated and damaged facial skin, local inflammation often develops because bacteria and other pathogens can overcome the damaged skin barrier and penetrate the deeper skin layers. In many cases, in connection with dry skin, wrinkles in the face, especially around the eyes, are also more frequent, or the wrinkles that are already present are intensified in their expression.

In the case of dry skin on the face, the other parts of the body should always be considered as well in order not to overlook possible existing skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis. Dry skin on the face is often noticeable because the facial skin begins to tighten and small skin flakes gradually fall off. These small whitish flakes of skin that separate are not only unpleasant, but also represent an enormous cosmetic blemish for many patients.

When dry skin begins to flake, it lacks moisture. This is particularly important for facial skin, as it nourishes the skin layers and enables friction-free metabolism. If there is a lack of moisture, the facial skin becomes brittle and cracked and the upper damaged skin areas are shed in the form of scales.The dandruff is caused by the increased renewal processes of the individual skin layers.

They represent the decomposition products of old damaged skin and are therefore a sign that the body is taking countermeasures to renew the damaged and irritated skin and make it smooth and supple again. Nevertheless, it is important to support these ongoing endogenous repair processes with targeted skin care and adequate protection against external influences. Dry skin on the face often shows small red spots.

These red spots are a sign of the attacked and highly irritated cells on the skin surface. The slight reddish coloration is due to increased blood circulation in the affected skin area. In extremely dry and cracked skin, the protective and barrier function of the superficial layer of the facial skin is severely weakened and impaired.

Small cracks are a suitable entry point for pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, which can attack the deeper layers and cause an inflammatory reaction, especially locally. These inflammatory processes and irritations of the skin also present themselves as reddish elevations. If the red spots continue to spread and increase in size, one should consult a doctor and have the infection treated so that it does not spread further and is carried away. In many cases, the red spots are simply caused by frequent scratching. Many patients try to relieve the severe itching in the face, which is often accompanied by dry skin, by scratching.