Symptoms | Malaria


A blood smear is taken to diagnose malaria. Under the microscope, the plasmodia types can also be distinguished. The so-called “thick drop” is used to accumulate the pathogens in the blood. A drop of blood is spread over a diameter of 1 cm and after 30 minutes air-drying it is stained with the Giemsamethode. The preparation is then microscoped.


For the more harmless malaria forms M. tertiana and quartana, the drug of choice is chloroquine. In the plasmodia vivax and oval, some of the pathogens that are present in the blood remain in the liver. For these schizophrenia, chloroquine must be combined with primaquine. The therapy of the usually more complicated Malaria tropica has to fight with big resistance problems. Therefore, the elective agents vary and are usually discussed with an institute for tropical medicine.


Before traveling to an area threatened by malaria, it is important to be well informed about the latest recommendations for the respective area. Mosquito nets for overnight stays and the grating of windows and doors offer a so-called sting protection. Such measures are considered obligatory.

It is also recommended to wear light and long clothing. Every free part of the body should also be rubbed with insect repellent. Whether chemoprophylaxis is necessary depends on the different areas. Common medicines are: If the risk of malaria is low, only emergency medication should be used, which should only be kept on stand-by until the next doctor arrives!

  • Mefloquine
  • Atovaquonoder
  • Proguanil.


If adequate therapy is started early, the mortality rate of malaria tropica is about 1%. Untreated, however, the mortality rate is over 20%.