Symptoms | Neck rash


The accompanying symptoms of a neck rash depend on the underlying disease. A very common accompanying symptom is itching. This typically occurs with psoriasis, but also with allergic skin rashes.

Other diseases such as chicken pox, head lice or fungal infections are also accompanied by itching. Other possible accompanying symptoms are pain, for example from scratching the skin when it is very itchy, or swelling. Infectious diseases such as chickenpox or scarlet fever can also cause fever, fatigue and a general feeling of illness.

Would you like to know the cause of your rash? For this purpose, you should also carry out our rash self-test: lymph nodes are a part of our immune system. Various causes can cause lymph nodes to swell and thus become palpable under the skin.

There are particularly many lymph nodes in the region of the neck and lower jaw (almost 300!). Lymph node swelling is common in viral infections such as measles, mumps, rubella or chickenpox. These diseases can also cause a skin rash, which can also appear on the neck.

Typically, these are diseases of childhood. Mostly such lymph node swellings are painful. Even in the case of local infections of the skin, for example from wounds or animal bites, lymph nodes in the head and neck area can be swollen.

This swelling is also usually painful and may appear reddened.The treatment of the skin rash in the neck depends on the underlying cause, so that no general statements can be made regarding the therapy. However, some common causes and their common therapy will be discussed shortly:

  • Head lice infestation: Head lice infestation is treated with the drug permethrin. After the first treatment, it is repeated after 8 to 10 days.

    The hair should be combed with a nit comb after washing with vinegar water.

  • Psoriasis: The therapy of psoriasis is quite complex. The basic therapy includes care with urea-containing and moisturizing creams. Further therapy options include light therapy and various active ingredients for local and systemic application.