Symptoms of adnexitis | Adnexitis

Symptoms of adnexitis

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. An adnexitis can develop in different ways. There are mild and asymptomatic forms, but there are also severe courses with very strong symptoms.

The most common form is unilateral lower abdominal pain, which can also be triggered by pressure. The pain can also start suddenly and severely. Sometimes a firm structure can also be felt in the lower abdomen.

An inflammation can also be accompanied by an increased temperature or fever. and symptoms of inflammation of the fallopian tubes Other common symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, but also constipation. Furthermore, due to proximity, there may be discomfort when urinating (dysuria) and pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

Sometimes there may be inter-bleeding, prolonged menstrual bleeding and purulent discharge. In severe pelvic inflammatory disease, the inflammation can spread to surrounding tissue and other neighbouring organs. This can lead to severe pain in the abdominal wall in the event of small vibrations and movements.

In case of fever in combination with severe lower abdominal pain, bleeding or purulent discharge, a doctor should always be consulted in order to avoid serious courses and complications. The smyptomas of an adnexitis can be similar in an ectopic pregnancy. There is a risk of the fallopian tube rupturing, so it is important to clarify the symptoms quickly.

You will find much more detailed information about the symptoms under our topic: Symptoms of an adnexitisTo confirm the suspicion of an adnexitis, the doctor will ask about the last operations in the lower abdomen and how these were related to the menstruation. By taking a smear from the vagina or cervix, the white blood cells (leukocytes) can be determined, which in increased numbers indicate an inflammation. In most cases, blood is also taken to determine the signs of inflammation.

Otherwise, the doctor (usually a gynaecology specialist) can trigger a pain in the cervix by palpation, or possibly feel the swollen fallopian tube at an advanced stage. Pain in the area of the ovaries can be caused not only by pelvic inflammation but also by ovarian vein thrombosis and stem rotations. With the help of the ultrasound device, fluid accumulations, thickenings and enlarged ovaries can be easily visualised and their size and extent determined.

If the diagnosis cannot yet be adequately confirmed by these examination methods or if the therapy has not yet been successful, a so-called pelviscopy (endoscopic examination of the pelvic cavity) under anaesthesia may be necessary. This examination is the only method of diagnosing pelvic inflammatory disease by looking at the site of inflammation. In addition, a smear of the infection can be taken directly during this procedure, so that the pathogens can be identified and appropriate therapy can be started. This procedure can also be used to remove any previous adhesions.