Symptoms of cystic fibrosis

Symptoms that occur with cystic fibrosis

The secretion of the following glands or glandular parts of the following organs is disturbed in cystic fibrosis:

  • Lung
  • Pancreas
  • Bile ducts
  • Sweat glands
  • Genitals

In cystic fibrosis, for example, symptoms such as breathing problems occur because the lungs become clogged with mucus and the small airways (alveoli, bronchioles, etc.) become blocked, and the cilia do not manage to transport the mucus and inhaled foreign particles outside as usual. The severity of the symptoms can vary greatly from patient to patient.

Symptoms such as coughing, which is reminiscent of whooping cough, and also pneumonia or bronchitis occur frequently. Infection with a strain of bacteria called Pseudomonas is particularly common. These bacteria cause a complicated pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).

In the worst cases, lung function can be restricted to such an extent that the patient’s breathing is no longer adequate and intubation (artificial respiration) is necessary. These patients are therefore artificially ventilated. If they can no longer be weaned as a result of ventilation, a lung transplantation may be the last resort.

The pancreas is also affected by cystic fibrosis. Here too, the ductile mucus blocks the pathways to the outside world. The enzymes that are important for digestion therefore do not reach the intestines.

Not only the fact that the enzyme juices cannot drain off is alarming, but also the backlog can be dangerous. In the most extreme case, the aggressive pancreatic juices cause the gland to self-anddate. Since the pancreas also produces insulin, many cystic fibrosis patients suffer from diabetes mellitus.

In addition, the symptoms of cystic fibrosis include chronic diarrhea and the absorption of nutrients is insufficient due to the lack of digestive juices. A deficiency syndrome of vitamins and other nutrients often develops. This deficiency particularly affects children.

The little ones are not able to develop properly and in accordance with their age. Therefore they are to be compared for example from their physique also as adults often with a child. The habitus (physique) therefore reminds of a child.

This staying behind is a very typical symptom, by which even outsiders can guess the illness. The bile ducts are also obstructed by the viscous secretion in cystic fibrosis, so that the bile cannot drain off to take over its function in the digestion. Bile ducts and the excretory duct of the pancreas open into a common duct, the so-called ductus choledochus.

This in turn ends in the duodenum. This explains the involvement of the liver and pancreas in cystic fibrosis. If the secretions cannot drain off, they accumulate and organ damage develops.

About ten percent of adults develop cirrhosis of the liver. The sweat glands secrete very salty sweat. In contrast to healthy people, where the sweat consists mainly of water.

This results in a high electrolyte (salt) and water loss in patients. The sexual organs are affected in both sexes. Most men are infertile, as the spermatic ducts are not fully formed.

This means that the sperm, whose formation and function is usually not impaired, cannot find their way from the testicles into the urethra. Many women are also infertile. This is often because their fallopian tubes are clogged with plugs of mucus that the egg cannot get past. In general, children develop more slowly and gain weight only slightly and slowly.