Symptoms of finger arthrosis | Symptoms of arthrosis

Symptoms of finger arthrosis

The characteristic degenerative changes in the joints in osteoarthritis can basically affect any joint in the body. Frequently, however, the typical arthrotic complaints of the fingers or finger joints occur. The large majority of those affected are middle-aged women.

Here, a distinction is made between arthrosis of the end joints of the fingers (so-called siphoning arthrosis) and that of the middle joints of the fingers (so-called Bouchard arthrosis). In general, typical nodules and protrusions can be palpated relatively early in both forms of arthrosis. The progression of arthrosis of the finger joints can be very different.

On the one hand, there are patients who suffer almost no pain or movement restrictions. On the other hand, however, there are patients who suffer from severe pain and in the course of the disease, malpositioning of the fingers and associated functional disorders can occur. The first symptoms of incipient arthrosis of the finger joints can be pain that occurs when grasping objects, especially heavy objects.

Swelling of the joints can also occur. Over time, the end joints of the fingers (siphoning arthrosis) usually develop into a so-called bending contracture, which can also be thickened by the bony attachments to the joint. The fingertips are then bent forward and can no longer be stretched completely.

In addition, this form of arthrosis often leads to blister-like thickening, which is filled with a gelatinous fluid. These are called mucoid cysts and can be easily drained. Siphoning arthrosis is the most common form of arthrosis of the hand.

In the middle finger joints (Bouchard’s arthrosis), this disease usually manifests itself on several fingers at the same time. Here, too, the joints thicken due to bone attachments. – Finger Arthrosis

  • Bouchard Arthrosis

Symptoms of hand arthrosis

Arthrosis in the wrist is a sign of wear and tear of this joint. It is a relatively rare disease and can occur on one side or both sides. It often occurs as a late consequence of forearm fractures that have healed into malposition (usually distal radius fracture) or fractures of the carpal bones (especially the scaphoid).

However, arthrosis of the wrist can also occur in some carpal diseases or other inflammatory processes. The radio-carpal joint is most frequently affected, i.e. the joint where the radius (radius) articulates with the carpal bones. Pain and restricted movement are the primary causes, as pain usually occurs in combination with movement.

Later on, this pain may also be present at rest and a deformation of the entire wrist may occur. In addition, bone attachments may have to be palpated. The severe swelling of the back of the hand is also noticeable.

In some cases, inflammation of the joints can be observed, which progresses in relapses. In an acute flare, the joint becomes swollen, reddened, painful and overheated. In some patients, the pain is also weather-dependent.

Wetness and cold tend to have a negative effect on the symptoms, whereas dry heat relieves them. In the final stage of this disease, however, there are usually very severe restrictions on movement and in the worst case it can lead to loss of wrist function. Therefore, an early and stage-appropriate therapy is indispensable to maintain the quality of life of the affected persons.