Symptoms of Pimples | Pimples on the scalp

Symptoms of Pimples

Depending on the cause of the scalp changes, accompanying symptoms may occur. If they are due to allergies or infections, mild to severe itching may be present. The surrounding scalp may be reddened and irritated.

In some cases or stages, pus may be discharged. Allergies and infections can be distinguished by the fact that certain complaints only occur in the context of an infection. In the context of an infection, the lymph nodes can be swollen painfully or painlessly.

Infections can cause a general feeling of illness, fatigue, aching limbs, headaches and fever. Certain infections can cause B symptoms. This is characterized by fever, night sweats and weight loss of unknown cause.

The skin changes may also occur on the face or other parts of the body. Furthermore, hair loss may occur. The reason for this is that newly growing hair cannot reach the surface at the place where the pus pimples are located.

If the pus pimples on the scalp are caused by an allergy or intolerance or infection, they can cause extreme itching. In the context of allergic reactions, the messenger substance histamine is released. Histamine is used by the cells to communicate with each other.

The messenger substance activates the appropriate docking sites. These are called H1-receptors. They are located at nerve endings and trigger pain or itching.There are several ways to alleviate itching.

The itching can be suppressed by a pain stimulus. This is the reason for the reflex to scratch the itching spot. However, this only temporarily reduces the itching.

In addition, scratching the pus pimples can cause inflammation, scars and other skin damage. Therefore, the reflex should not be followed if possible. A cold stimulus can also reduce the itching.

On the scalp, however, this is only partially pleasant, bearable and advisable. Depending on the cause of the pus pimples on the scalp, it can lead to slight to severe hair loss. The pus-filled pustules are in the way when regrowing hairs want to reach the surface.

Consequently, bald spots on the head can develop. When the scalp has regenerated, the hair can grow again. During inflammatory processes, the lymph nodes can swell painlessly or painfully.

Swollen lymph nodes can give an indication of certain diseases. If swelling of these is noticed, they should be examined by a doctor. Even if the swelling is painless, a medical examination is recommended.