Symptoms | Pain with splayfeet


Slight splayfeet are in many cases not subject to any special therapy. However, if pain and significant restrictions occur, treatment must be carried out, whereby various methods are available. Conservative measures are in the foreground.

In addition to the change to suitable and wide shoes, orthopedic insoles are also useful. These support the arch of the foot from below and reduce pain and pressure sensations. They help to bring splayfeet back into a physiological position.

Another important method of alleviating the pain of splayfeet are specific exercises to strengthen the foot muscles in the sense of foot gymnastics. Under the guidance of a physiotherapist, a long-term improvement of the complaints can be achieved, since insoles support but do not fight the cause. The simplest form of foot gymnastics, which helps against splayfeet and strengthens the muscles and vision, is walking barefoot.

However, if the pain is too severe and does not allow for any activity, moist compresses and resting position help. Painkillers also relieve the pain. In some cases it may be useful to have the corneal calluses removed by a podiatrist.

In addition, weight reduction helps to reduce the strain on the splayfeet. You can find more information about insoles here: Splayfoot insoles In most cases these conservative measures are sufficient to get the pain under control. However, they do not completely eliminate the malposition.

Therefore, in severe, uncontrollable cases, surgery must be performed. The operation for splayfeet, called Weil osteotomy, aims to straighten the foot. This is achieved by shortening the metatarsal bones involved by a small piece and thus separating them spatially from the calluses that cause pain when they occur.

A malposition of the big toe is also corrected here. In case of Morton’s neuralgia, the pain can be eliminated by relieving the nerves by removing tissue. The pain then subsides quickly. Whether a conservative or invasive therapy is used must always be weighed up in each individual case.