Symptoms | Rectal cancer


Rectal cancer has similar or the same symptoms as cancer of the small intestine or tumors in other parts of the colon. In this form of colorectal cancer, too, symptoms usually appear very late and initially cause only diffuse and very ambiguous symptoms. In most patients, stool habits change, sometimes very drastically.

There is often constipation or diarrhea, and the two conditions often alternate. As with many other types of cancer, these patients often lose a lot of weight. So if you lose a lot of weight unintentionally and in a relatively short time, you should definitely become clairaudient.

A tumor needs a lot of energy, which it takes from the rest of the body and thus slowly uses up resources. In addition, weight is also lost through diarrhoea. Many patients experience abdominal pain in the intestinal region.

Often a drop in performance and significantly increased fatigue is reported, and patients often do not feel like doing anything. Patients often become aware of the tumor when blood collects in the stool. One should always keep an eye on the stool and its appearance in order not to overlook exactly such symptoms.

Sometimes an intestinal obstruction can also occur. In this case, the patient must be taken to hospital and operated on immediately. Such an intestinal obstruction (ileus) looks like this: The bowel is completely or partially blocked, which causes the food slurry to accumulate and the bowel wall to stretch very much.

The enormous stretching and pressure increase also affects other organs and can even lead to multi-organ failure. Intestinal bacteria multiply much faster and enormous flatulence is the result. The strong distension also leads to a high loss of fluid.

In further consequence it can come by the high increase of intestine bacteria also to a blood poisoning (Sepsis). Patients also often complain about great pain in the abdominal area. Rectal cancer causes many complaints, first and foremost mostly severe abdominal pain, which occurs mainly in an advanced stage.It also leads to significantly increased tiredness and listlessness.

The affected persons are clearly less efficient. The weight loss, which is often very high, also has a very negative effect on the lives of many patients, as they often lack the strength to do many things. As diarrhoea often occurs in addition to constipation, these two symptoms are also considered a great burden for those affected.

The signs of rectal cancer usually appear very late, as already mentioned. Many patients have no symptoms for a very long time. In many cases, symptoms only become noticeable when the tumor has reached a certain size and/or daughter tumors have formed in other organs. In many cases, due to the late discovery of the disease, a variety of therapies are necessary to achieve a possible recovery. A simple operation is almost never sufficient.