Symptoms | Throat pain after vomiting


Laryngeal pain usually manifests itself as burning, severe sore throat along the larynx. They are often accompanied by hoarseness or difficulty swallowing. Laryngeal pain can occur after vomiting, but also as part of a cold or respiratory infection. If the cause is strong vomiting, the pain usually subsides by itself within a few hours. If the cause of the larynx pain is a cold, the symptoms occur, for example, when coughing.


Laryngeal pain after vomiting is a high level of distress for the person affected and often a reason to consult a doctor. In this case it is recommended to perform a laryngoscopy. A distinction is made between indirect laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy.

Laryngeal endoscopy is an examination that allows the entire larynx to be visualized and its functionality to be checked. Indirect laryngoscopy is the outpatient procedure and is the preferred method. In this examination, the doctor inserts a small mirror or endoscope over the patient’s mouth and into the throat to visualize the larynx.

The patient is awake. The examination is not painful. Another option for examining the larynx is direct laryngoscopy, which is usually performed under anesthesia.

In direct laryngoscopy, a surgical microscope is inserted into the patient’s throat and the larynx is assessed. Biopsies (tissue samples) can also be taken at the same time. The direct laryngoscopy is mainly performed when a tumor is suspected.


Slight throat pain after vomiting can be cured by yourself. It is important to protect the voice and to keep the mucous membranes moist through inhalations (for example with essential oils or peppermint) to promote wound healing. If the pain is severe, painkillers such as ibuprofen can be taken.

In most cases, the pain subsides by itself.However, in case of serious complications such as shortness of breath, an emergency doctor should always be called immediately. Laryngeal pain and hoarseness lasting longer than 3 weeks should always be examined by an ENT specialist to rule out a tumor. The most important thing in the treatment of laryngeal pain after vomiting, however, is to adjust the cause of the vomiting. In the case of an eating disorder or alcohol addiction, it is advisable to seek support from family or friends, or to seek professional help. There are many different centers and organizations that can support and help people with eating disorders or addiction, as well as offering numerous therapeutic options and approaches to conflict resolution.