Symptoms | Tinnitus: Rining in the Ear


The symptoms of tinnitus vary greatly in character, quality and quantity. Mostly, affected persons describe the tinnitus as a clear sound, such as a beeping sound. Others report atonal sounds, such as a murmur.

For some sufferers, the tinnitus is always the same, while for others, the volume and pitch of the tone changes. In 2/3 of those affected, the tinnitus is a permanent noise. In the course of the disease, various accompanying symptoms can be added to the tinnitus, such as headaches, concentration problems or dizziness.

The ability to perform is reduced and can lead to inability to work. As the tinnitus usually becomes even louder at rest, many sufferers also suffer from sleep disorders. At the same time, 50% become highly sensitive to outside noises, so that they become socially withdrawn.

Quiet ambient noises such as murmuring or pleasant music, on the other hand, push the tinnitus back. Tinnitus is divided into four degrees of severity depending on the level of suffering. Grade 1 and 2 can be compensated well.

From grade 3 on, the tinnitus is accompanied by emotional, cognitive and physical complaints and impairs the professional and private life. Many sufferers develop depression, anxiety or other somatoform disorders. At grade 4, there is complete decompensation with inability to work. In order to treat any dizziness or insomnia, you can read the following two articles:

  • Exercises against positional vertigo
  • Acupuncture

What to do?

Everyone has ear noises now and then. Even if these disappear after a short time, one should take them seriously. They are a warning signal, so that one should consider the significance of the tinnitus.Perhaps you are currently under too much stress, health problems or are exposed to excessive noise?

Tinnitus always indicates that something needs to be changed. Sometimes it is enough to take more breaks, relax and avoid noise. If the tinnitus persists, a doctor must be consulted after 24 hours at the latest.

The doctor will determine the possible cause of the tinnitus and advise the person affected about the treatment. The following self-help tips have proven to be effective: Relaxation, avoid irritants such as caffeine, alcohol or nicotine and eat a healthy diet. Movement and distraction push the tinnitus into the background. Would you like to find out about possible relaxation techniques? You will find more information in the following articles:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenic Training
  • Postisometric Relaxation