T3 hormone levels and desire to have children | T3 hormone

T3 hormone levels and desire to have children

A thyroid gland disorder can be the cause of an unfulfilled desire for children. Even very discreet or “sleeping” hypothyroidism can lead to infertility. Both an overactive and an underactive thyroid gland can have a negative influence on conception and cause the desired child to fail.

The reason for this is that the thyroid hormones control all important processes in the body. They have an influence on fertility and reproduction. Thyroid hormones and sex hormones such as estrogen are interrelated and influence each other.

This means that an imbalance in thyroid hormones has an effect on egg maturation and the cycle. Affected women become pregnant less often than women with a healthy thyroid gland. A thyroid test is indicated if there are known thyroid problems in the family, if the period is irregular or if pregnancy does not occur after 6 months. If there is a hypofunction, it can be treated with medication and the desired pregnancy can be achieved.

T3 hormone as a drug

There is T3 as a drug to replace the hormone deficiency in case of hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are administered in the form of levothyroxine and most people have to take this drug for the rest of their lives. With the correct dosage, there are rarely side effects.

If the amount of levothyroxine is too high or if the dose is increased too quickly, heart problems or other signs of hyperthyroidism such as sweating, tremors, diarrhea may occur. In rare cases hypersensitivity reactions such as arrhythmia, angina pectoris, insomnia, cravings, hair loss, or high blood pressure may occur. It is important to note that thyroxine may interact with medications (e.g. salicylates, furosemide, sertraline, barbiturates, amiodarone), so it is essential to have a medical checkup. The aim of treatment with levothyroxine is to normalize the pathologically reduced concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood. This can relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism such as unwanted weight gain, sluggishness, concentration and memory disorders, constipation, brittle hair and nails.