Table | Heart Rate


For sports beginners, it is sufficient to look at a heart rate table at the beginning and find the right heart rate according to training goal and intensity. The following table shows the maximum heart rates for age groups that are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 years old In addition, you will find the frequencies for the training ranges speed and strength (90 – 80% of the maximum heart rate).strength), strength and intensive endurance (75 – 70% of max. strength) and endurance (65 – 60% of max.

strength). Heart rate is a simple indicator to determine the correct training intensity. Using the tables provided, you can read off at which heart rate fat is burned.

Unfortunately, heart rate is dependent on so many factors and varies from person to person. Depending on their performance level, athletes of the same age achieve different heart rates. Trained endurance athletes usually do not reach such high values as untrained athletes. This is due to the fact that the cardiovascular system has become more economical in the training process. Nevertheless, it makes sense to use heart rate control during training.

Lower heart rate

A high heart rate can be a sign of stress or poor physical condition. In rare cases, however, it can also be a so-called tachycardia (racing heart). If this is not detected and treated, it can promote a heart attack.

For this reason, a high heart rate should be kept under close observation if it does not subside on its own. People who have a heart rate of more than 70 beats per minute should start doing sports to train their circulation and thus their heart. This can also lower the resting heart rate.

People who have set themselves the goal of lowering their heart rate through endurance training should run four to five times for about half an hour per week. It should be noted that the training is carried out regularly and the athlete should eat a healthy and balanced diet. It is also possible to variably modify the training, for example by running three times for 45 minutes if you do not have the time.

As far as speed is concerned, you should make sure that the intensity remains relatively low, so that you train in the lower load range. The motto should be: Running instead of puffing. If you stick to such a training and pay attention to the few important things, you can lower your heart rate significantly after half a year. The longer an endurance athlete carries out endurance units, the lower the heart rate can be lowered.