Tall Stature

Tall stature – colloquially called tall or giant stature – (synonyms: Gigantism; hypersomia; proportioned tall stature; giant stature; ICD-10-GM E34.4: constitutional tall stature, ICD-10-GM E22.0: acromegaly and pituitary tall stature) occurs when a person’s height is above the 97th percentile.

Tall stature is classified into:

  • Macrosomia (tall stature): males over 1.92 meters and females over 1.80 meters.
  • Gigantism (giant stature): men over 2.00 meters and women over 1.85 meters.

Tall stature can occur as a norm variant and is usually constitutional (familial tall stature). Other causes are:

  • Genetic diseases
  • Hormonal or endocrine disorders

Tall stature can be a symptom of many diseases (see under “Differential diagnoses”).

Course and prognosis: course and prognosis depends on the cause of the tall stature.