Tape bandage on the back | Tape bandage

Tape bandage on the back

Many people are permanently plagued by back pain. Back pain can originate from the muscles or the spine itself. Kinesiotapes and conventional tape bandages can be used for acute and chronic pain.

The tapes can be used both in cases of unknown cause as well as after accident-related complaints.Properly glued, the tape warms the back, promotes blood circulation to the muscles, increases awareness of the muscles in the back and supports them in their function. Especially in the back, an awareness of posture is of great importance for the development of pain. More frequent tensing of the musculature and sitting upright prevents many aches and pains.

When applied tightly to the back, it builds up a tension on the back so that it splints and supports the back extensor muscles. The tape method that is used depends on the level of pain. In the lumbar spine, mainly long strips are stuck on the spine in the direction of the head.

All tape bandages should be applied in a standing position so that sufficient tension is built up. It must be differentiated whether a rigid tape bandage or a kinesiotape is used. With a rigid bandage the flexion is limited in front, but the splinting and support of the back is stronger.

Tape bandage on thumb

The thumb is also a potential place for a tape bandage or elastic kinesiotape. Tape is a helpful alternative, especially for pain of the ligaments in the thumb and as prevention in sports that are performed with the hands. If the pain is more severe, the tape should not be the only therapy and a doctor should be consulted additionally.

A tape bandage on the thumb is very easy to apply by yourself. The tape must be stuck tightly over the thumb joints and continued to the forearm. Usually, two tapes are required for this purpose, which reach from the wrist to the middle thumb link and wrap around it.

This is intended to strengthen the blood circulation and at the same time splint and stabilize the joint and bone. The elastic kinesiotape is also used in professional sports, for example in throwing sports. The difference with the elastic tape is that there is no restriction of movement in the hand, which is an advantage for preventive sports.