Tape for the eyelids

Definition – What is a tape for the eyelid?

Tape for the eyelids is a special medical aid that is mainly used to treat drooping eyelids. In this case, the rather slack eyelids are fixed by the tape in such a way that their shape is based on the “normal” shape of eyelids. This improves the visual field, for example, because the eyelid no longer hangs in front of the visual axis. Basically, the tape is small adhesive strips that can be stuck to the eyelid.

Who are the tapes for?

Tapes for the eyelids are intended for people who suffer from drooping eyelids. These are flaccid drooping eyelids that can cause aesthetic or medical problems. For example, a very drooping drooping eyelid can restrict the field of vision.

To counteract this problem, tapes can be used for the eyelids. With these tapes, the eyelid can be taped so that it is under more tension. It is important that it is still possible to close the eye completely.

To prevent medical difficulties such as impaired vision or injuries to the cornea and conjunctiva, these tapes can be worn throughout the day. However, they are usually removed for sleeping and new tapes must be applied the next day. The tapes are therefore particularly suitable for people who want to avoid the medical consequences of drooping eyelids.

The eyelid tapes can also be used to achieve a better cosmetic appearance of the eye area. Since in most cases better results are achieved with surgery on the drooping eyelids, eyelid tapes are primarily used for those people who do not wish to undergo such surgery. This may be for medical reasons, and the cost of the operation also plays a role for many of those affected.

What can be realistically achieved with tapes?

The tapes for the eyelids can be used for a certain period of time (usually a few hours to a day) and can only achieve an effect within this period. The tapes usually have to be re-applied every day. Their primary purpose is to (re)restore the functionality of the eye.

The tapes are often used by people with drooping eyelids, for example to enlarge the field of vision which is restricted by the drooping eyelids. In this case, tapes, if applied correctly, can produce an almost normal visual field and are therefore a very good treatment option for the complaints. Other problems, such as drying out of the eyes through drooping eyelids, can also be prevented by tapes.

On the other hand, those who use the tapes for the eyelids to achieve an improved appearance will usually not be completely satisfied. You can make the eyelids look “nicer” by taping them, but the adhesive strips are usually visible, so that a change in the eye area is still noticeable. Many suspect that the tapes can also be used to tighten the tissue of the eyelids so that the drooping eyelids will disappear one day. However, this cannot be achieved by simply wearing the tapes.