Tarragon: the “Little Dragon”

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), related to the common mugwort and wormwood, belongs to the family of composite plants (Asteraceae). Its origin is not clear, it probably comes from Siberia, North America and China. From the early Middle Ages, the Arabs also seasoned their dishes with tarragon.

Probably the origin of the name “tarragon” lies in a loanword from the Greek language, here drakon means “dragon” or “snake”. The botanical naming of tarragon in the form of the Latin “dracunculus” (little dragon) also points to this. Apparently, tarragon was associated with dragons thanks to its entwined growing rootstock.

Use of tarragon

While the flower buds are still closed, the upper branches of tarragon are cut and hung to dry. Today, tarragon is mainly used as a seasoning.

In traditional medicine, it is no longer used for therapeutic purposes. This is due to the ingredient tarragon, which is suspected to be mutagenic and carcinogenic. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment therefore issued a warning to this effect in 2002. However, tarragon continues to be used in folk medicine.

Tarragon: active ingredients

The ingredient estragole is responsible in tarragon together with anethole for the distinctive, anise-like taste. In total, the German or French tarragon contains three percent essential oils, in addition to the already mentioned terpenes such as ocime and terpineol. In addition, the following active ingredients are also present in tarragon:

  • Cinnamic acid derivatives
  • Phellandrene
  • Pinene
  • Camphene
  • Eugenol
  • Limonene

Russian tarragon, on the other hand, contains only one percent essential oils. The tarragon is completely absent here, but sabinene and elemicin, as well as ocimene and eugenol derivatives are present.

Flavonoids such as quercetin or patuletin are responsible for the tart taste of tarragon.

The medicinal properties of tarragon

In folk medicine, tarragon is said to have a healing effect on digestion. Since it contains many bitter substances that stimulate the production of gastric juice, it helps to strengthen digestion. That is why it is helpful for various digestive problems such as flatulence or intestinal disorders. In addition, the spice also has a soothing effect on stomach cramps, as tarragon has an antispasmodic effect.

In addition, the essential oils of tarragon have a warming effect and promote blood circulation when applied externally. Thus, tarragon together with other oils can also provide relief from rheumatic pain.

In addition, according to medieval superstition, tarragon was also supposed to cure snakebites. However, this theory has not been confirmed. However, German names for tarragon such as snake herb still remind us of this function.

Tarragon as a culinary herb

The young shoots of tarragon can be used sparingly to flavor vinegar and mustard. In addition, they are also suitable for seasoning poultry, potato and pasta dishes, rice, boiled fish and pickled cucumbers. In salads, the well-known tarragon vinegar is used.

Tarragon is also indispensable for refining many sauces. For example, in French cuisine, it refines the taste of bérnaise sauce, hollandaise sauce and vinaigrette.

Cultivation of tarragon

In the garden, hardy tarragon loves a sunny to semi-shady spot in a humus-rich, moist soil. Russian tarragon can be sown in April, while German tarragon is propagated by root runners. Narrow, elongated leaves grow on the branched stems. In July, the panicle-shaped inflorescences with small, green-yellow flower heads appear.

The taste and smell of the plant is reminiscent of anise, fennel, and sweetthistle or licorice. Russian tarragon, on the other hand, is almost odorless and tastes slightly tart. Unfortunately, Russian tarragon is the only variety that can be propagated by seeds, which is why it is preferred in nurseries.