Tavor® expidet®


Tavor® expidet® is a prescription drug used for short-term anxiety, nervousness and sleep disorders. It contains the active ingredient lorazepam, which belongs to the benzodiazepine group. Benzodiazepines all have sedative and anxiolytic effects.

The drug Tavor® expidet® is a small platelet which is placed directly under the tongue and then dissolves. In this way, they enter the bloodstream more quickly and can quickly unfold their effect. In general, the drug only relieves symptoms but cannot cure the cause of the disease, so additional therapies such as psychotherapy are recommended for anxiety or sleep disorders, which often indicate mental or physical illness.

Another important area of application for Tavor® expidet® is epileptic seizures, which are caused by excessive or uncontrolled excitation of the activating nerve tracts and can thus be attenuated by the increased inhibition. Since the active ingredient makes lorazepam dependent, the drug should only be taken for a short period (approx. 4 weeks). To avoid withdrawal symptoms when the drug is discontinued, Tavor® expidet® is continuously reduced in dose until the drug is finally discontinued.

Difference Tavor® to Tavor® expidet®

The biggest difference between Tavor® and Tavor® expidet® is the different way of application. Tavor® is a tablet to be taken unchewed with plenty of liquid. In this case, lorazepam is absorbed into the blood through the stomach and intestinal mucosa.

Therefore, the onset of action is expected to be slower when the tablet is taken, averaging between 10 to 40 minutes. ® In contrast, Tavor® expidet® is a fused tablet. It is placed in the mouth in the form of a platelet and melts there directly.

If necessary, one can take some liquid to swallow. The platelets can be taken independently of meals. Lorazepam is absorbed into the blood mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth and in most cases starts working after a few minutes.

The advantage of Tavor® expidet® is that it can be used especially for people with swallowing difficulties, children, or in emergencies. The platelet can also be easily placed in the patient’s cheek or under the tongue by doctors or rescue personnel. The patient does not have to concentrate on swallowing and it is safely ensured that the correct dose of the substance is absorbed.