Teeth Grinding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, refers to the clenching or grinding of the teeth due to overactivity of the chewing muscles. Teeth grinding occurs predominantly at night and is usually due to stress and psychological overload.

What is teeth grinding?

A bite splint or bite splint is an individually made plastic support for the treatment of incorrect stress on the teeth (for example, teeth grinding at night).

Teeth grinding is the grinding or clenching of the teeth despite an empty mouth. This means that grinding does not serve to grind food, but is an unconscious movement of the chewing muscles. The high forces with which the masticatory muscles press the teeth together cause long-term damage and signs of wear to the teeth and jaw joints. In addition, it leads to tension in the neck and jaw area, which can ultimately trigger headaches or tinnitus. Teeth grinding mostly occurs at night during sleep. But unconscious teeth grinding can also occur during the day, for example in phases of great tension or great concentration.


The causes of teeth grinding are mostly rooted in psychological tension, pressure to perform and stress, or in situations in which the affected person proverbially “grits his teeth” and accepts many things. Since the body processes stress primarily during sleep, teeth grinding is particularly pronounced at night. In rarer cases, however, teeth misalignment or poorly fitted dentures can also be the reason for teeth grinding. In childhood, teeth grinding is often due to a natural process. In this process, children grind their milk teeth flat, thus matching the chewing surfaces of the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. This process is not to be considered pathological and should occur naturally at the latest with the change of teeth. Nevertheless, teeth grinding should also be observed in children to prevent chronic wear of the dental apparatus.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Teeth grinding often takes place mainly at night and does not initially cause noticeable discomfort to those affected. But if teeth grinding is not treated, teeth are at risk of damage and teeth grinders are at risk of pain. Those who clench their teeth at night allow strong forces to act on the jaw. In the long run, there is a risk of teeth wear and misalignment of the bite. The dentist can reliably detect these signs. Typical complaints due to teeth grinding are headaches in addition to pain in the jaw. Ear pain is also not uncommon as a sign of teeth grinding. The jaw joint and the ear are so close together that the nerve pathways can also be affected in the ear. If teeth grinding continues over a long period of time, more and more complaints often develop, which those affected do not even consider to be directly related to the teeth. An incorrect bite leads sooner or later to sometimes severe discomfort in the neck. The neck pain can in turn also cause headaches of considerable intensity. Back problems and pain in the hips can also result causally from teeth grinding and an altered bite situation. To avoid long-term damage, an orthodontist should be consulted at the first sign of teeth grinding, who can assess the bite and initiate therapeutic measures.

Diagnosis and progression

Teeth grinding or clenching is an unconscious process that the affected person cannot perceive himself. Often the life partner becomes aware of the grinding noises at night. The dentist can detect teeth grinding by means of typical wear marks on the teeth. An enlarged or tense and hardened chewing muscles can also be detected by palpation. In a discussion between the doctor and the patient, other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and tinnitus are also clarified if teeth grinding is suspected. Due to the enormous pressure applied during teeth grinding, the tooth can be ground down to the dentin if not treated. This is far softer than the enamel overlying the dentin and therefore much more susceptible to decay. Untreated teeth grinding thus leads to long-term damage to the structure of the teeth and dentition as a whole.However, if teeth grinding is recognized and treated, the patient does not have to fear any health restrictions.


Constant teeth grinding can cause health sequelae and serious complications. First, bruxism leads to a decrease in tooth structure, which is usually accompanied by scoring (fine grooves) or tooth cracks (cracks in the tooth structure). Such wear of teeth causes exposed dentin sites and sometimes nerve pain. In the area of the gums, teeth grinding can lead to tissue recession and resulting gingivitis. This often develops into periodontitis, which in turn increases the risk of jawbone deterioration, loosening of teeth or tooth loss. Broxism also puts stress on the jaw muscles and the temporomandibular joint. This can lead to various complications such as chronic back pain or craniomandibular dysfunction. In the long term, bruxism also has an impact on physical and emotional well-being. The constant rubbing and clenching of the teeth worsens the quality of sleep – fatigue, tiredness and concentration problems are the result. Chronic headaches, migraines and depression can also develop. When teeth grinding is treated by means of grinding splints, the grinding irritation may be aggravated under certain circumstances, especially in the case of poorly adjusted splints. Apart from that, the prescribed sedatives as well as alternative agents from homeopathy may cause various side effects and interactions.

When should you go to the doctor?

Teeth grinding indicates an existing irregularity in the mouth or jaw area. A doctor should therefore be consulted as soon as the process is consciously perceived by the affected person. In a large number of cases, teeth grinding occurs during night sleep. Therefore, it often remains unnoticed for a long time. If the affected person is made aware of the noise during the night by his partner or family members, a visit to the doctor is advisable. In addition, if there are complaints in the area of the mouth, a clarification of the irregularities should be made. If the affected person wakes up exhausted in the morning, headaches appear or the jaw hurts, a clarification of the cause is necessary. A doctor should be consulted so that medical tests can be performed and a diagnosis can be made. If the affected person notices changes in the teeth, if there is a feeling of pressure inside the mouth or if there is frequent bleeding of the gums, the observations should be discussed with a doctor. These are the first warning signals of the organism, which should be followed up. If irregularities occur during the grinding of food in the mouth or if the affected person suffers from hypersensitivity, a visit to the doctor is advisable. Since teeth grinding often leads to irreversible consequential damage if left untreated, consultation with a physician is recommended as soon as the first signs appear.

Treatment and therapy

As a causal treatment, stress reduction is one of the essential therapies for teeth grinding. Here autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga can be a helpful support. Talking to a psychologist can also help. In addition, the dentist can prescribe a bite splint. This is made of plastic and is inserted into the mouth during sleep. The teeth are separated by a kind of protective layer, which prevents the teeth from wearing down despite the nightly grinding. Heat and massages can also achieve relaxation of the muscles. Successful treatment of teeth grinding can only take place if the patient is aware of it and also pays attention during the day to whether and in which situations he or she clenches the teeth. The aim is to stop the acute clenching and to avoid the stressful situation in the long term. If the teeth grinding is due to a malposition, gymnastic exercises for the jaw area help to return the jaws to a correct position. In addition, further treatment by an orthodontist may be recommended. Ill-fitting dentures must be adjusted by a dentist in any case.


Teeth grinding can be prevented by avoiding stress. The use of various relaxation techniques and an awareness of one’s own life situation are essential in this regard.Stressful factors in life should be eliminated as far as possible and positive influences strengthened. In principle, this involves a balanced relationship between tension and relaxation and a conscious approach to stressful situations.

What you can do yourself

The patient can also do something himself against his annoying teeth grinding. This includes, in particular, practicing relaxation methods such as yoga. Appropriate courses can be learned at the adult education center, among other places. If the relaxation techniques are practiced over a longer period, they contribute positively to the improvement of the complaints. They have the advantage of loosening muscle cramps, which are often caused by stress. The relaxation methods can also be performed at home. It is advisable to do them before sleeping, which contributes to a relaxed night’s sleep. Special exercises against dental stress are also considered helpful. They stimulate and strengthen the body’s self-healing powers. First, the head is loosened and then left hanging for around ten minutes. In this way, the neck can be stretched. The nerves are also relieved, which in turn has a positive effect on the spine. The next step is to swing the head up and down. The back is then pressed firmly in the upper and lower directions. This exercise ensures the release of nerve pressure within the spine. Massages or physiotherapy exercises are also considered helpful in loosening the jaw muscles. But also changes in lifestyle that are permanent can prevent new complaints caused by teeth grinding. This includes, for example, the renunciation of stimulants, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.