Tendinitis causes and treatment

Tendonitis, tendovaginitis, tendo = tendon, vaginitis = vaginitis, tendosynovitis, tendosynovialitis.

  • Mechanical overload
  • A bacterial infection or
  • In the context of a rheumatic illness develops. ()

There are both acute and chronic courses of tendosynovitis.

The tendon is the continuation of a muscle and anchors it to the bone, making movement possible. In places of high friction or tension, tendons are surrounded by vaginas (vagina tendinis, “vagina of the tendon”), which are filled with a fluid, the synovia. These are intended to protect the tendons from mechanical forces (e.g. friction).

Overloading or bacterial infections can cause problems here, which manifest themselves as pain. Occupational groups in which tendon sheath inflammations occur more frequently include In all these activities, movements are repeated and often combined with poor posture, which increases the risk of developing tendovaginitis. In principle, people of all ages can fall ill with tendosynovitis. Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain as a special form of tendosynovitis occurs preferentially in women after menopause.

  • Secretaries,
  • Professions with a lot of computer work,
  • Musician or
  • Physiotherapists.


The causes of tendon sheath inflammation can be of different nature. In most cases, the tendon sheath becomes inflamed due to mechanical stress. The tendon normally slides back and forth in the tendon sheath.

If a particular tendon is used a lot, the tendon can rub against the inside of the tendon sheath, which can lead to a permanent inflammation of the tendon sheath due to wear. Sports that are characterized by the constant repetition of certain movements are therefore among the typical triggers of tendon sheath inflammation, e.g. tennis. A further risk factor from the field of sports is the rapid increase in training: the resulting additional load can lead to an increased incidence of tendosynovitis.

A further cause is work that is unaccustomed to the body, which also requires a monotonous sequence of movements (e.g. renovation work or gardening). A large group of patients with tendosynovitis is caused by occupational stress. Mostly affected are people who have to work on the computer for a long time every day.

If the keyboard or the mouse on the computer is not ergonomically adjusted, this permanent strain can lead to tendinitis. The same applies to keyboards on cell phones or tablets. Anyone who writes a lot here can also put strain on their tendon sheath.

A further cause is work that is unaccustomed to the body, which also requires a monotonous sequence of movements (e.g. renovation work or gardening). A large group of patients with tendosynovitis is caused by occupational stress. Mostly affected are people who have to work on the computer for a long time every day.

If the keyboard or the mouse on the computer is not ergonomically adjusted, this permanent strain can lead to tendinitis. The same applies to keyboards on cell phones or tablets. Anyone who writes a lot here can also put strain on their tendon sheath.

Besides office workers, musicians, craftsmen, masseurs or physiotherapists can also be affected. With these occupational tendosynovitis almost always the wrist or fingers are affected. In addition to the mechanical cause of tendosynovitis, it can also be caused by an infection with bacteria.

Infections occur mainly when the tendon sheath has previously been opened by an accident or injury (stabbing, knife cut). Germs penetrate through the opening and colonize the inner side of the tendon sheath. The most common pathogens that cause bacterial tendon sheath inflammation are staphylococci and streptococci.

Infection by chlamydia, mycoplasma, and gonococci occurs more rarely, but these are also possible. A tendosynovitis caused by an infection is treated by the administration of an antibiotic that is adapted to the pathogen. In addition, the affected extremity must be spared, possibly surgical relief is necessary.

The bacterial infection can also trigger post-infectious arthritis. This is an attack of the immune system on the bacteria that are located in the tendon sheath and affect it.This triggers the tendon sheath inflammation. Tendovaginitis stenosans (“snap finger“) is an independent disease. Due to a narrowing of the tendon canal caused by the inflammation of the tendon sheath and a thickening of the tendon, the movement of the tendon is made more difficult and succeeds only with difficulty, a typical clicking sound can be heard. Affected here are tendons that belong to muscles of the thumb (Musculus extensor pollicis brevis and Musculus abductor pollicis longus).