Tennis Elbow/Golfer’S Elbow (Epicondylitis Humeri): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate epicondylitis humeri (tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow):

Leading symptoms

  • Pressure pain at the muscle attachment points
  • Movement against resistance is painful (strain pain)/pain is load-dependent
  • In rare cases, sensory disturbances (sensory disturbances) may occur.

Epicondylitis humeri lateralis (tennis elbow):

  • Symptom of pain at the radial epicondyle (bony prominence in the immediate vicinity of the articular process or condyle; the external tendon is affected), sometimes radiating along the extensors.
  • Pain in the lateral portion (outside) of the elbow joint and forearm.
  • Pain of the lateral elbow during extension movements of the forearm.
  • Pressure dolence (pressure pain) of the epicondylus lateralis with possibly minor swelling of the affected area.

Epicondylitis humeri medialis (golfer’s elbow).

  • Symptom of pain at the ulnar epicondyle (the internal tendon is affected).
  • Pain in the medial portion (inner side) of the elbow joint and forearm.
  • Pain of the medial elbow during flexion of the wrist, fist closure and lifting.
  • Pressure dolence of the epicondylus medialis with possibly low-grade swelling of the affected area.