Tennis Elbow: Treatment

In acute tennis elbow symptoms, the arm should be spared first and foremost. Therefore, the following applies: avoid possible loads. Today, however, orthopedists and sports physicians recommend not to let the rest period last too long to avoid shortening of muscles, tendons and ligaments in the elbow area.

Treatment: warm or cold

Only a few years ago, an acute tennis elbow was plastered without further ado. Although sparing the affected arm is still one of the most important measures, plaster is no longer used for this purpose, because the plaster weakens the affected muscles to such an extent that the pain returns soon after it is removed.

Cold or warm applications with (ointment/healing earth) compresses or compresses, but also heat therapy with red light can have a positive effect. However, each patient must find out for himself whether cold or warmth suits him better – what helps one person may even intensify the pain in another person in individual cases.

Other methods of physical therapy include treatment with a soft laser, ultrasound, iontophoresis (a form of electrotherapy) or, more recently, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (EKST). In more severe cases, injection treatment with local anesthetics and/or cortisone may help.

Physical therapy is important

If the microtears heal during treatment, a shortened tendon attachment remains. Subsequent renewed stress can quickly lead to tears and discomfort again. It is therefore particularly important to start rehabilitation measures such as physiotherapy immediately after healing, during which the tendon insertion is carefully stretched again.

In addition, the physiotherapist can show the affected person the method of transverse friction (the application of stretching stimuli across the tendon), which can then also be performed at home on one’s own.

Get to the bottom of the cause

It is advisable to get to the bottom of the exact causes – and eliminate them if possible. Athletes benefit from medical training therapy (MTT), in which muscles are rebuilt on special equipment under the guidance of trained physical therapists without overloading the elbow. Surgical measures are only considered in individual cases and after a long period of consistent but unsuccessful conservative therapy.

Other measures for tennis or manual labor elbow

  • Against the pain, herbal medicine knows some effective preparations: to take St. John’s wort, to apply / rub arnica or essential oils (eg lemon, bergamot, lavender).
  • Proven acupuncture – it is even recommended by the World Health Organization for this indication.
  • Homeopathy also achieves success – for tennis elbow, depending on the individual symptoms, Ruta, Bryonia or Acidum fluoricum, for example, are used.
  • Enzymes are said to have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect – available are, for example, preparations with the pineapple enzyme bromelain or pancreatic enzymes.
  • With a tendency to chronic tennis arm complaints, a so-called epicondylitis bandage (cuff on the forearm near the elbow) can be applied preventively, if stressful activities are foreseeable. These reduce the pain through pressure and a punctual massage and prevent further inflammatory reactions.