Tension Headache: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Almost everyone has experienced it: tension headache is an annoying condition that severely limits quality of life, especially in chronic cases. The causes are varied and not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, there are effective treatments that can significantly alleviate tension headache.

What is tension headache?

Infographic on the causes and symptoms of migraines and headaches. Click image to enlarge. A tension headache is a pressing and dull pain that radiates from the neck throughout the head and is perceived as mild or moderate in intensity. However, the term tension headache is only correct if there are no causative brain diseases, food intolerances or poisoning as triggers. In contrast to such secondary headaches with a clear cause, tension headache is also called primary headache. Two forms of tension headache are distinguished: episodic tension headache is when the pain attacks occur at least ten times a year, but not more than 180 days a year. Chronic tension headache occurs at least 15 days a month, for at least six months in a row, and represents a severe impairment of well-being.


The causes of tension headache can vary. Poor sitting posture or overexertion and chronic tension of the chewing muscles are possible. Uncorrected defective vision or an incorrect visual aid can also contribute greatly to the development of tension headache. In the case of computer work, inferior quality of the screen used should additionally be considered as a trigger. Psychological factors also play a role: permanent stress, pressure to perform and bullying are reliable sources of tension headache, especially if the resulting inner turmoil is not regularly relieved by sufficient physical exercise and relaxation. Tension headaches are further aggravated by stressful influences such as continuous noise and flickering artificial light. Often, a hereditary component is also at play, which brings with it an increased tendency to tension headache.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Tension headache is often described as oppressive. For sufferers, it may feel as if a weight is resting on their skull. It is also possible that the tension headache may be felt as pulling, but typically not as tearing or stabbing. Instead, this type of headache is characterized by a dull, mild to moderate pain. The pain pulsates and does not migrate. Some patients suffer from the pain for several days at a time, while others experience episodes that last half an hour or a few hours. The tension headache occurs on both sides of the head and may be felt throughout the skull. In addition, mild nausea, sensitivity to light, and other faint symptoms affecting the autonomic nervous system may occur. Tension in the shoulder and neck muscles may also occur. However, some patients suffer no additional symptoms. Chronic tension headaches occur on more than half of the days in a month for at least six months. In contrast, acute or episodic tension headache is present on less than half of the days. Symptoms do not become more severe when the sufferer engages in light exercise or performs everyday tasks. Nevertheless, tension headache can affect quality of life.

Diagnosis and course

Anyone who suffers from recurrent headaches should see a doctor to have the cause determined beyond a doubt. The physician will ask detailed questions about the type, frequency, and regularity of the headache. If the patient’s information is inaccurate, he will ask him to keep a pain diary for a limited period of time, recording exactly when, under what circumstances, and the intensity of the pain. An experienced physician will recognize the pattern of a typical tension headache. Palpation of the neck and masticatory muscles can also provide clues to a diagnosis of tension headache.Regarding the long-term course, episodic tension headache may well become chronic if untreated, if there is a hereditary predisposition and the respective trigger is not eliminated.


Tension headaches are not normally problematic. However, if the symptoms recur, serious complications may result. Regular tension headaches can turn into migraines in the long run. This is associated with gastrointestinal complaints and other symptoms. In the long term, the complaints can also result in depression and anxiety. If mental illnesses are already present, tension headaches indicate a severe course. The triggering condition often intensifies and has a negative effect on the quality of life and well-being of the person affected. Accompanying symptoms may include tension and visual disturbances. In the treatment of tension headaches, the risks lie in incorrect or inadequate therapy. For example, treatment with medication can, under certain circumstances, exacerbate the symptoms. In addition, ibuprofen and co. can cause side effects and interactions such as headaches and pain in the limbs, gastrointestinal complaints and skin irritations. In the long term, such preparations cause kidney and liver damage as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. Complications are unlikely with other therapeutic measures such as meditation, massage or autogenic training. It is recommended to work out the treatment measures together with a doctor and preferably to implement them under medical supervision.

When should you see a doctor?

Tension headache is quickly self-diagnosed, because it affects sufferers regularly and with time they can classify it and treat it themselves with mild painkillers. Provided it is known to be a tension headache, a visit to the doctor is not necessary. However, changes, increase in intensity of the pain or new onset of tension headache indicate that something has changed in the body. Only a doctor can clarify where the complaints come from or what the change in the usual tension headache is due to. It can be an unfavorable posture, but also organic problems that can be treated so that the tension headache improves. Headache can have various causes, often it is only a symptom of an underlying disease – albeit a very distressing symptom. Even if the patient already knows about the tension headache and has had it for a long time, a visit to the doctor should be made if pain medication has to be taken regularly because of it. In the long run, these strain the internal organs and thus harm the health, even if they are often the only really useful measure for immediate relief. In order to combat this problem before actual damage is done, tension headaches should never simply be accepted, even if the assumption is that they are simply triggered by stress and tension.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment options for tension headache are as varied as its causes. If they are external or mechanical in nature, it is often enough to eliminate the trigger to get rid of the tension headache as well: A new pair of glasses, a change of workplace (better chair, optimal screen) and the removal of stressful sources of light and noise bring a clear improvement in these cases. If the reasons for the tension headache lie in the psychological area, the exact triggers should also be considered here. Those who are constantly under stress should reduce their workload or simplify work processes by reorganizing. The solution of a possible mobbing situation should also be tackled quickly. In any case of tension headache, learning relaxation techniques is useful: autogenic training, meditation and biofeedback help to loosen nerves and muscles and get blood flowing optimally. In addition, body therapy such as the techniques of F.M. Alexander or Moshé Feldenkrais is recommended. Through this, the correct use of the muscles is practiced and unnecessary tension is avoided. Medicinal treatments of tension headache should be done only after consultation with the doctor and to the smallest possible extent.


Those who want to prevent the development of tension headache should start a regular endurance training, which provides the muscles with oxygen and increases blood circulation. It also makes sense to keep the spine flexible through gymnastics or yoga, so that unpleasant hardening and the resulting tension headache cannot occur in the first place.


Aftercare is not mandatory for a tension headache, although in many cases it is significantly limited or not even available to the sufferer. For this reason, the sufferer should ideally see a doctor at a very early stage. Self-healing can only occur to a limited extent. Most sufferers are dependent on taking medication that can alleviate the symptoms. The affected person should note that these should be taken regularly and also in the correct dosage. If there are any questions or uncertainties, a doctor should be consulted first. Likewise, measures of physiotherapy and physiotherapy are very useful. The affected person can repeat many of the exercises at home and thereby alleviate the symptoms as well. In general, stressful activities should be avoided, and support in everyday life from other people is very important. Also, contact with other sufferers of this disease can be useful, as it comes to an exchange of information, which can facilitate the handling of the disease.

What you can do yourself

To improve well-being and build a good quality of life, the use of relaxation techniques is recommended for a diagnosed tension headache. Autogenic training, mental techniques, yoga or meditation can be applied and used by the affected person on his or her own responsibility in everyday life. In addition, there are a variety of courses that can be booked for improved relaxation. If the affected person notices brooding or experiences a stressful everyday life, optimizations and changes are necessary. Stressors of any kind should be reduced and cognitive patterns can be transformed. If this succeeds in the context of self-help, relief of the complaints is often achieved. For a large number of those affected, initial support from a therapist helps. Training as well as techniques for dealing with whirring thoughts help to alleviate the processes. As the condition progresses, sufferers can apply the techniques they learn outside of therapy as needed. In addition, sleep hygiene should be optimized. The daily routine should be routine and adapted to the body’s needs. Restlessness, conflict and hectic activity should be avoided. If states of cognitive overload occur, breaks should be taken in parallel and sufficient rest should be provided. Food intake, sufficient outdoor exercise and avoidance of harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol should also be checked.