Tensions on the shoulder | Tensions

Tensions on the shoulder

The muscles of the shoulder are closely connected to the muscles of the back. Postural deformities of the back are transmitted further into the shoulder and from there to the neck, jaw and head. There are numerous examples of how shoulder tensions arise: Sitting with a crooked back, carrying heavy handbags on one shoulder leads to a crooked shoulder, which can also cause tension, or walking, standing and working with shoulders drawn up.

Especially here massages can be very beneficial. But heat ointments or plasters can also relieve tension. If you are susceptible to tensions, you should make sure that your shoulders are not exposed to a cold draft.

The shoulders can be loosened very well during walks by simply letting the arms swing along naturally while walking. Another simple exercise that you can also do comfortably at your desk is shoulder circling. This is done by pulling the shoulders towards the ears in a circular motion. It is important here that the neck does not move and shorten.

Tensions in the jaw

The muscles of the jaw are closely connected to the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Tension in these areas often also causes tension in the jaw. The jaw is also very prone to psychosomatic complaints.

Psychological complaints here quickly manifest themselves as tension. When you are angry and upset, you often clench your teeth, just as when you try something very hard.Permanent chewing also promotes tension in the chewing and jaw muscles. Nocturnal teeth grinding often goes unnoticed and can further increase tension in the jaw area.

Do you suffer from teeth grinding? Other causes can be ascending complaints resulting from uneven leg lengths, a crooked hip or back problems. However, tensions can also be caused by complaints in the jaw joint.

Tensions on the head

Tensions in the area of the head and facial muscles are usually mood-based. The face as a gateway to the soul and thus an expression of inner permanent tension. The facial musculature is strained by worried thoughts and strained thinking is also evident in our face.

Relaxation begins in the face, a smile sends many positive messenger substances into the body and relaxes the facial muscles. A facial massage can also be beneficial for the head, body and mind. You can also loosen the jaw muscles well with it