Test/face test | Asperger’s Syndrome

Test/face test

There are various tests for testing Asperger’s syndrome. Some of these are self-tests that can be answered at home by asking questions. These can also be carried out by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

The tests are all aimed at empathy and the recognition of emotions. Stereotypical actions or special talents and high gifts are also tested. With the help of a test the intelligence quotient is determined.

The face test is a test with pictures of people with different emotions. It shows faces of people who are laughing, crying, angry or angry. These emotions must be able to be named by the person concerned. If this is not the case, it is an indication of an Asperger’s syndrome.


The symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome are very diverse. The children usually become conspicuous by a difficult communication with other people. It is difficult for the children to hold a conversation or to respond to others.

In addition, these children often cannot interpret emotions and cannot perceive them in a conversation. For example, children with Asperger’s syndrome do not understand irony. Also, children with Asperger’s syndrome cannot express their emotions well.

The conversation is therefore often emotionless and the facial expression is meaningless, which can be irritating for the conversation partner. Asperger’s patients prefer stereotypical actions. This can be seen in repetitive actions while playing or, in older children and adults, in a compulsively similar daily routine.

Often these children have a special talent and are highly gifted in this area. They lack interest in other things. A high intelligence quotient compared to their peers is also typical for Asperger’s syndrome.

These children stand out due to their very well developed linguistic abilities and are able to express themselves very precisely and selectively. Another symptom of Asperger’s syndrome is motor clumsiness. This manifests itself in gross motor skills and coordination disorders.

Furthermore, there is an increased rate of comorbidity. This means that in the course of the illness other mental illnesses can be added. The most important diseases associated with Asperger’s are depression and tic disorders.

Due to the already compulsive behaviour of the patients, obsessive-compulsive disorders or anxiety disorders can occur. In childhood it can lead to attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome. This can be treated with methylphenidate, better known as Ritalin.

In some cases, people with Asperger’s syndrome can develop schizophrenia. This condition is associated with social withdrawal, delusions and hallucinations. The symptoms can be alleviated with antipsychotic medication and long-term medical support.


There’s no cure for Asperger’s syndrome. However, a normal lifestyle can be achieved through targeted psychotherapeutic treatment and treatment of any accompanying psychological disorders that may arise. Parents of children should always be firmly involved in the treatment, for adults it makes sense to integrate life partners or close persons into the treatment.

Behavioural therapy is the main focus of psychotherapeutic treatment. Here, the affected person is taught methods to recognise and get a grip on his or her social deficits in order to make normal interaction with other people possible. Furthermore, the therapy aims at integration into the social environment.

The affected person should be integrated into the social environment (kindergarten, school, job) to be able to lead an independent life. Clear structures in their everyday life are helpful in dealing with Asperger patients. If possible, a fixed schedule should be followed with fixed appointments and fixed times.

This leads to the affected person feeling comfortable and secure. This behaviour avoids conflicts and the affected person may be able to open up better to his fellow men. This is also an important point in the relationship between the sick child and parents.

The treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out individually depending on the symptoms. Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome can be treated with methylphenidate, known as ritalin. The anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders are treated with antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) in addition to regular psychotherapy, as is depression. Schizophrenia is treated with antipsychotics.