Test for ADS


An ADS test is intended to find out whether a patient suffers from attention deficit syndrome without hyperactivity or not. As this is a subtype of ADHD, it is usually part of a conventional ADHD test, which consists of many different tests. The detection of this non-hyperactive form is difficult and often occurs late, as the symptoms are much less obvious. It is therefore also assumed that some sufferers are never diagnosed.

What tests are there?

As with ADHD, there is no single, conclusive test. The diagnosis consists of a detailed anamnesis, physical, neurological and psychiatric examination, developmental, behavioural and intelligence tests and, if necessary, further measures, since ADHD is a diagnosis of exclusion. If typical characteristics are noticed, such as the dreaminess and concentration problems of the person affected, the doctor will clarify the situation using the diagnostic methods mentioned above.

Part of these examinations are, among other things, tests that are intended to determine concentration, attention and intelligence, to query typical symptoms and are also used in conventional ADHD. Examples are questionnaires such as the SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) and the Connors Scales or attention tests such as the TAP (test battery for attention testing) and computer-assisted procedures such as the QB test. Typical self-tests, such as those offered on the Internet, can provide initial indications of the disease, but do not allow a reliable diagnosis.

What doctor tests these things?

Children are tested by the paediatrician, adults by the family doctor or psychiatrist. At the first suspicion, tests can also be carried out by teachers or other professionals. Due to the wide range of tests, several specialists are involved depending on the appearance of ADHD. This makes sense, as different specialist areas must also be involved in the therapy.

Tests for children

Attention, concentration and intelligence tests test the child’s abilities, regardless of the cause of a possible disorder. These tests can therefore be used for many diseases that restrict attention and concentration. Therefore, the same tests are used for ADHD as for ADHD, such as questionnaires, rating scales, attention tests, etc.

However, the test results vary. Areas of testing that are intended to test hyperactivity and impulsiveness will be less noticeable in ADHD children than in ADHD, whereas psychological behavioural disorders will be more prominent. For the diagnosis of ADHD, it is therefore advisable to select those tests which primarily detect and differentiate between psychological abnormalities (such as DIPS (diagnostic interview for mental disorders) or which reveal pure attention and concentration problems (such as the computer-aided concentration tests).

If the doctor already suspects the non-hyperactive form of ADHD on the basis of the medical history, he selects the tests accordingly. He uses these tests to assess typical behavioural problems at school and in everyday life at home using questionnaires from parents and teachers, and tests concentration using reaction games on the computer or other methods. He also tests whether the child is normally developed and has average intelligence, as developmental disorders can also cause the symptoms.

In some cases, the child’s growth may even be affected by ADHD, which is also checked here. Tests of sensory impressions, for example of hearing and vision, are also part of the diagnostic spectrum. Typical ADHD questionnaires are also used, among other things to exclude other forms of attention deficit disorder, but they are less effective in ADHD because they often focus more on the physical rather than psychological symptom complexes. Children with ADHD are therefore tested in a similar way to children with ADHD, but the choice of tests is somewhat different. In addition, the general anamnesis and interviewing parents and teachers is just as important as the actual testing, as the observed behaviour is the most important clue for the diagnosis of ADHD.