Test | Therapy for biceps tendon inflammation


A test to diagnose an inflammation of the biceps tendon is, in addition to the medical history (course of disease, accidents, etc.) and physical examination, also a functional test of the muscle. In case of an inflammation, the abduction of the arm (the abduction) against resistance is very painful and limited.

The function of the elbow may be restricted if necessary. Localized pressure pain in the sulcus intetubercularis on the front upper arm as well as warming or redness there are also signs of biceps tendon inflammation. Under certain circumstances, noises may occur when moving the arm. If the biceps tendon is already torn, the muscle belly shifts strongly towards the attachment of the intact tendon.

Biceps tendon luxation

We speak of a biceps tendon dislocation when the biceps tendon leaves the sulcus intertubercularis, i.e. the biceps tendon furrow between the two bony projections (tuberculi) of the head of humerus. This happens when the tendon is no longer stable and tight enough, or is torn. It is usually a long-term clinical picture.

This leads to chronic inflammation and pain as well as restricted mobility. Depending on the severity of the dislocation of the tendon, surgical correction (arthroscopic, minimally invasive) of the course of the tendon with subsequent stabilization in the sulcus intertubercularis is necessary. The tendon is then immobilized for several weeks.

Active stress on the biceps is prohibited for longer periods. A physiotherapeutic rehabilitative training program is carried out in parallel. The prognosis is usually good. The article Shoulder joint instability physiotherapy/exercises might be of interest to you in this respect.


Tapering for biceps tendon inflammation is a good supportive measure for treatment. An elastic tape bandage can relieve the tendon and stimulate the metabolism, which in turn stimulates healing in the corresponding area. A sole therapy by applying tape bandages is not sufficient.

Particularly ambitious athletes should be aware that a tape bandage can alleviate the symptoms, but in case of pain a training break would be advisable to prevent a chronification of the inflammation! There are a variety of tapes that can be applied to the shoulder to relieve the biceps tendon. It is advisable to be instructed by a specialist in the selection of the correct taping device.