Testicle lifter


Latin: Musculus cremaster


The testicle elevator consists of muscle fibers originating from the internal abdominal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, i.e. two abdominal muscles. The muscle fibers follow the spermatic cord and finally attach themselves to the testis, especially to the fascia surrounding the testis. According to its course and name, the testicle lifter pulls the testicle closer to the abdominal wall. This serves to protect the testicle and is triggered reflexively when the thigh is irritated.


Embouchure: Fascia spermatica interna surrounding the testis Origin: Musculus obliquus internus abdominis Innervation: Ramus genitalis of the nervus genitofemoralis


The testicle lifter pulls the testicle closer to the abdominal wall. This process, called the cremasteric reflex, serves to protect the testicle. If the skin on the inside of the thigh is irritated, for example by cold water, the testicle is pulled upwards in a reflex action. During sexual intercourse, the testicle is also lifted, indicating the approaching orgasm.