

sex hormone, androgen, androstane, sex hormones


Testosterone is a derivative of the sex hormone (androgen). Testosterone occurs in both sexes, but differs in concentration and effect. Tesotosterone is derived from testis (testicle) and steroid.

The “inventor” of testosterone was Ernst Lageur, who was the first to extract bull testicles. In men, testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles. Other production sites are the adrenal glands, in which other androgens are also produced.

In women, testosterone is produced in small quantities in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Progestreone is an intermediate product for the synthesis of testosterone. In the seminal canals, the testosterone causes the spermatids to mature into sperm.

In men/boys, testosterone causes development of the penis, scrotum and secondary sexual characteristics. Outside the genitals, this hormone causes growth of body hair, except for scalp hair. In addition, testosterone has an anabolic effect, and thus promotes muscle growth.

A positive effect on endurance sports has not yet been scientifically proven. Tesosterone promotes the formation of new cartilage and bone and increases sexual desire. In addition, testosterone has an increasing effect on the aggression drive.

In women, an external supply of testosterone leads to masculinization (virilization). The voice becomes deeper, body hair increases and the sexual organs grow. In addition, women with an increased testosterone level have been found to have an increased incidence of depression.


The testosterone content in the bluserum is determined. The blood sample is usually taken in the early morning hours, as the testosterone level fluctuates during the course of the day.


Testosterone is bound to a protein and transported through the blood in the human body. This testosterone complex reaches the respective target organ via the blood. This target organ must have a corresponding receptor for the testosterone.

The protein to which testosterone binds is called globulin (SHBG). Testosterone is transported to the sperm tubules via the androgen binding protein of the Sertoli cells. The anabolic effect of testosterone is often misused as a doping agent in sports.

In recent years, athletes in sports in which an increased proportion of muscle mass has a positive effect have increasingly resorted to these illegal methods to accelerate muscle growth and overcome their natural performance limits. The danger of this doping is not only a possible loss of prestige, but also serious physical damage. Among the most common sports are bodybuilding and sports with fast movements such as sprint and throwing disciplines of athletics. The most commonly used esters in sports are short chain esters (propionate), medium chain esters (enanthate/cypionate) and long chain esters (undecanoate, buciclat). The trade is mainly done via the black market.