
In tetany (synonyms: Hyperkinetic tetany; carpopedal spasm; convulsive tetany; convulsive readiness; pseudotetany; spasmophilia; tetania; tetany; tetanic axis syndrome; ICD-10 R29.0: tetany) is a syndrome of neuromuscular hyperexcitability. It leads primarily to painful muscle spasms.

The following forms of tetany can be distinguished:

  • Hypocalcemic tetany (tetany associated with decreased calcium blood levels).
  • normocalcemic tetany (tetany, accompanied by normal calcium blood levels).

For detailed information on the cause of hypocalcemic or normocalcemic tetany, see “Causes”.

According to the occurrence, one can distinguish latent (“hidden”) from manifest (clinically “recognizable”) tetany.

Sex ratio: Women are more frequently affected than men.

Frequency peak: The disease occurs predominantly in younger to middle age.

Course and prognosis: Depending on the cause of the tetany, it is usually possible to treat the symptoms with medication. The prognosis depends on the underlying disease.