

Tetryzolin is also known as tetrahydrozolin and is used in various medical fields. Tetryzolin is a drug that corresponds in its effect to a so-called alpha-adrenoreceptor agonist, also known as sympathomimetic drugs (see: sympathetic nervous system). The main dosage forms of the drug are mainly eye drops and also nose drops. Chemically, Tetryzolin corresponds to a phenylethyl derivative.


After absorption, tetryzolin binds to receptors of the sympathetic nervous system (part of the autonomic nervous system, see: sympathetic nervous system) and activates it. Since Tetryzolin is usually only used locally in the form of eye drops, nose drops or sprays, it only acts at the point where it can attach itself to the receptors. As eye drops, it binds to alpha-adrenoreceptors and has a general decongesting and soothing effect.

In the form of eye drops, Tetryzolin is used for the symptomatic rather than causal treatment of conjunctivitis or irritation. After the eye drops have been placed in the conjunctival sac, the eye burning, redness of the conjunctiva and lacrimation are reduced relatively quickly. It is important to note that bacterial infections of the conjunctiva (purulent conjunctivitis) can usually not be treated adequately with Tetryzolin, since the pathogen can still remain in the eye despite treatment.

The second major area of application for Tetryzolin is in nasal drops and nasal sprays. Here too, the drug binds to receptors, this time in the nasal mucosa. The binding leads to an activation of the sympathetic system and to a decongesting effect of the nasal mucosa. The main area of application is the common cold with rhinitis and swollen nasal mucous membranes, as well as allergic rhinitis, which can be seasonally triggered by pollen.

Side effects

Tetryzolin is generally well tolerated. Like all drugs, however, there are undesirable effects that should be considered before taking the drug. The relatively common side effects include local irritation.

If Tetryzolin is taken in the form of eye drops, a burning sensation, redness and increased tears may occur. In most cases, a side effect occurs after the first application. Sometimes the side effects can also lead to blurred vision or blurred vision.

As a nasal spray or nasal drops, local irritation of the nasal mucosa can also occur. In this case, itching or burning of the nose and possibly also increased runny nose and possibly sneezing attacks would occur. In some rare cases, general reactions of the body have also been reported when using tetryzolin. These include dizziness, malaise, nausea and vomiting. Should side effects of Tetryzolin occur, the medication should be discontinued immediately and replaced with another medication.