– That’s really behind it

What’s a crash diet?

A is a radical diet designed to lose pounds in a very short time. A Blitz diet can last 48 hours, 3 days or 7 days and is based on a strict nutritional plan. Often mono diets are used, which consist mainly of one specific food.

Procedure of the diet

There are numerous diets that are called the. What all these diets have in common is that only one food or group of foods may be consumed in the given period. The diet plan is very radical and one-sided.

Popular diets are the cabbage soup diet, the rice diet, the potato diet and the fruit or vegetable diet. With a, alcoholic drinks, sweeteners, sweets, fried foods, gratins, etc. are strictly avoided.

Sweetened drinks are prohibited and at best coffee should be avoided. At the same time, at least two litres of water should be drunk daily to boost the metabolism. As the name suggests, the only lasts for a short time, usually between two and seven days. Some Blitz diets also prescribe a strict sports programme to maximise the success of the diet. – Ayurveda diet

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Advantages and disadvantages of a lightning diet

One advantage of the diet and the reason why flash diets will never go out of fashion is radical weight loss in a very short time frame. Few other diets let the pounds drop so quickly. However, the has many disadvantages.

Many people complain about a constant feeling of hunger and nasty ravenous hunger pangs. If a one-sided is carried out over a longer period of time, deficiency symptoms can occur because the body permanently lacks important vitamins (vitamin deficiency), nutrients and trace elements. In addition, if little protein is on the menu, muscle mass is lost instead of the desired fat burning. Due to the strict diet, many people tend to “overeat” after the diet and the dreaded yoyo effect occurs. The Blitz diet is unhealthy and causes numerous side effects such as concentration problems, fatigue, reduced performance and inner restlessness.

Side effects

In the context of a complaints for permanent hunger, psychological as well as physical exhaustion are to be expected. Many people suffer from fatigue, reduced performance and concentration difficulties. The reduced performance capacity makes it very difficult to implement in everyday working life. The one-sidedness of food and dishes makes it very difficult to stick to the and can lead to cheating and premature termination of the diet. Alternatively, this article may be of interest to you: Losing weight by changing your diet or losing weight without hunger – is that possible?

Risks and dangers

Blitz diets often have side effects: attacks of ravenous hunger and a constant feeling of hunger. As a result, you may have a tendency to snack during the diet or to break off the diet. The one-sidedness makes it very difficult for many people to hold out.

Poor performance and exhaustion can restrict everyday life, sporting activities are often only possible to a limited extent or not at all, and there is a risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). These risks make it considerably more difficult to carry out everyday activities. It becomes dangerous if a one-sided Blitz diet is carried out for longer than a few days, as deficiency symptoms can occur and in the long term even dangerous. – Causes of hypoglycaemia

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