The accompanying symptoms | Broken vein in the eye

The accompanying symptoms

The burst veins in the eyes are usually themselves rather a symptom accompanying other diseases. With high blood pressure, other accompanying symptoms are a red face, ringing in the ears and shortness of breath. Those affected also report shortness of breath or headaches and sometimes sweat heavily.

However, some hypertension patients do not feel any of these symptoms because their body has become accustomed to the high pressure. Diarrhoea or vomiting with reddened eyes is often accompanied by fever and a general feeling of illness. Those affected may also report dizziness and clouding of vision because of the loss of water.

Severe coughing fits, which lead to burst veins, are particularly evident in children with croup attacks. The children cough very suddenly and develop high pressure, so that almost all Krupp children also have red eyes. The children also have shortness of breath and are very weak overall.

In most cases, those affected go to the doctor for other complaints and the burst veins are noted as a secondary finding. Normally, burst veins in the eye are painless and do not cause any further complaints. In the case of headaches, a doctor should be consulted, as a search for the cause must be initiated.

Headaches, like red eyes, are often an accompanying symptom of high blood pressure. For mild pain, rest and sleep can help, but for more severe pain, high blood pressure should be checked. You can read more about headaches here.

A doctor should be consulted if you have pain in your eye. This is usually not a simple burst vein, as it does not usually cause pain. Especially if the eye pain is accompanied by visual disturbances, a specialist should be consulted. This can be an increased intraocular pressure, which if left untreated can cause permanent damage to the eye and vision. A possible inflammation of the eyes or conjunctiva also requires treatment.

Do what?

If the vein has burst without further complaints, no measures are necessary. If there is pain in the area of the eyes or the entire head with burst veins, a medical examination should be carried out. The red spot in the eye is the same as a bruise on the knee.

The healing takes a few days and cannot really be accelerated. The vessel must heal in peace and the leaked blood is gradually broken down. If the reason for frequent ruptures of blood vessels in the eye is the high blood pressure, a drug lowering of the blood pressure can prevent further vessel damage.

If the cause is local, such as dry, sensitive eyes, eye drops can be used to moisten the eye. To support the healing process, affected people should spare their eyes and not spend too much time at the computer or television, as this strains the eyes. To relieve headaches, over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used.

However, these should not be taken for more than three days without medical advice. Normally, no treatment is necessary for a ruptured vein in the eye. Eye drops with heparin can be used to help break down the leaked blood, as this dissolves blood clots locally.

Other eye drops are more appropriate for the cause of the small bleed. There are eye drops for the pure moistening of the eyes, anti-inflammatory drops and also antibiotic drops. Which preparation is the right one should be discussed with the family doctor or ophthalmologist.