The accompanying symptoms | The pain under the fingernail

The accompanying symptoms

Depending on the cause of the pain under the fingernail, various accompanying complaints can occur. Nail bed inflammation is typically accompanied by redness, swelling and warming of the inflamed area. A torn nail initially causes pain, but can also become inflamed and cause the classic inflammatory symptoms such as redness, swelling and warming. If psoriasis is the cause of the pain, symptoms such as scaling, splintering and yellowing of the nails are added. In addition, the affected persons are severely restricted in their movements due to the severe pain.

The diagnosis

If you have pain under your fingernail, you can first consult your general practitioner or a dermatologist (dermatologist).If a fingernail is torn or torn off, the diagnosis can be made easily. In case of a nail bed inflammation, the affected fingernail must be thoroughly examined and, if necessary, treatment with a local or systemic antibiotic must be initiated. In the case of nail psoriasis, the care of a dermatologist is important in order to observe the condition of the nails and to provide targeted treatment.

The treatment

The treatment of pain under the fingernail is determined by the cause of the pain. In the case of a nail bed inflammation, in the mild stage, the affected person will treat it himself with baths, for example with chamomile, and other household remedies such as arnica or onion extract. An anti-inflammatory pulling ointment can occasionally help.

If the nail bed inflammation is pronounced, medical treatment is necessary. Antiseptic agents and antibiotics can be used for this. In contrast, torn fingernails can be fixed with a teabag and/or clear nail polish.

The nails should be cut as short as possible and preferably taped with a plaster. With nail psoriasis, on the other hand, early treatment is very important. While spotted nails and oil stains do not have much disease value, splintering must be prevented. For this purpose, there are various preparations that are applied to the nails. Often substances such as cortisone or cortisone with calcipotriol, a vitamin D3 derivative, are used.