The accompanying symptoms | Thigh pain

The accompanying symptoms

Numbness is a sign of irritation or damage to the nerves. For example, muscle tension, which can be caused by heavy strain or poor posture, can irritate surrounding nerves. A spinal or back problem (lumbago, herniated disc) can also become noticeable by feelings of numbness in the thigh.

and symptoms of a herniated disc. A cramp in the thigh can be caused by a strong strain on the muscles. The cramp comes spontaneously and usually disappears after a few seconds to minutes.

Electrolyte disorders, which can occur when the water balance is disturbed, are also a possible cause of cramps. The electrolyte balance of the body can be affected, for example, in the case of heavy water excretion such as after heavy sweating, diarrhoea or vomiting. Too little drinking can also disturb the water and electrolyte balance.

In addition, medication can cause cramps in the thigh. Especially when statins (fat-lowering agents) are taken, muscle breakdown can occur, which in the worst case can lead to acute kidney failure. Therefore, this medication should definitely be discontinued in case of side effects.

Burning on the skin is a symptom that occurs when nerves are irritated or damaged. In the course of time, a meralgia paraesthetica may occur, in which the nerve supplying the outer side of the thigh is constricted. Also the so-called polyneuropathy, which occurs particularly as a result of long-term alcoholism or in patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes), can cause sensory disturbances in the thigh with burning, numbness, formication and pain.

The course of the disease is usually insidious and often begins on the feet. The lymph nodes of the thigh are located in the groin. These can be swollen due to various triggers.

The swelling of the lymph nodes generally indicates that the immune system is working. If infections occur in the area of the thigh, for example an abscess (an accumulation of pus) or a bacterial inflammation of the skin, the lymph nodes can swell. Cancer in the thigh area can also cause swelling of the lymph nodes. If a new swelling of lymph nodes in the groin occurs, a doctor should be consulted and the underlying cause clarified.