The Bach Flower Heather

Description of the flower Heather

Heather blooms from July to September on heaths, moors and bare rocks.

Mood state

One is completely self-referential, feels like the “navel of the world”. One is busy with oneself and wants to be the center of attention.

Peculiarity Children

Heather children talk a lot, squeeze in between, don’t stay alone, have to be in the center of attention all the time, tend to show off and are not interested in the needs of others. They show no compassion, only their own person is important.

Pronouncement adults

Pronounced Heather people are perceived as stressful by their environment because they talk incessantly and slay others with their verbiage. They need an audience that is aware of their terribly important problems or everyday life. They want to get rid of everything they have experienced and share it with others, and they always want to focus the topic of conversation on themselves.

Once you are a victim of Heather people it is very difficult to escape, you are pursued and if necessary held on your sleeve or hands. Two Bach Flowers characters have hardly any chance to escape: Centaury (lacks willpower to escape) and Mimulus (is too scared to just walk away). For Heather people it is not very important with whom you talk, the main thing is that you can talk, if necessary you have long phone conversations with topics that are completely related to yourself or your close family.

The problems and feelings of the person you are talking to are unimportant and you don’t even listen. One likes to show a certain religiousness to the outside world and is convinced that nobody in the world is as badly off as oneself. One tends to constant overprotection, emotional exaggeration and the tendency to make elephants out of mosquitoes is unmistakable. In a negative Heather state it is difficult to be alone, you appear confident and determined, want contact and recognition and usually achieve the opposite. You behave like a toddler who only wants to have and not like an adult who can give.