The best known Formula diets | The Formula Diet

The best known Formula diets

They are all based on the principle described above. Sometimes only water mixed form drinks are recommended. or one normal meal per day is allowed or small snacks of fruit or vegetables.

The BMC program is conducted in doctors’ offices and medical supervision is guaranteed. This program is particularly suitable for people with a BMI of over 30. At first, one starts with form drinks only, but then gradually replaces them with a calorie-reduced mixed diet.

Here the chance of changing your eating habits in the long term is considered realistic. The Markert-Diet focuses on protein drinks and foods with a low glycemic index. Originally this nourishing form was laid out as pure chamfering cure with protein drinks.

In the meantime food with a low glycemic index has been added. For the first day, an intestinal cleansing with Glauber’s salt is recommended. This form of nutrition is supposed to stimulate the production of thyroid hormones.

However, the influence of nutrition on the thyroid gland (except iodine) is only slight. The daily energy intake is 1000 kcal and is very low. The protein content is high, carbohydrate content and fiber intake is low. The recommended protein drinks are only available in pharmacies.

Can Formula Diet also be lactose-free?

Many manufacturers offer lactose-free protein shakes, for example Almased, Yokebe, Formoline or Multan Wellness.These lactose-free products hardly differ in price from lactose-containing shakes and can be bought just as easily at the drugstore or on the Internet. You can mix the protein shakes with lactose-free milk or water.