The Betaisodona® Ointment

Introduction – What is Betaisodona® Ointment?

Betaisodona® Ointment is an antiseptic (germicidal agent) that is applied to the skin. It contains iodine as the active ingredient in a chemical compound. Betaisodona® Ointment is used to treat injuries or open wounds.

The ointment can be purchased without a prescription from the pharmacy and is often part of the home pharmacy. In contrast to the alcohol-based iodine tinctures often used in the past, Betaisodona® Ointment does not cause skin irritation associated with severe burning. However, poorly healing wounds and large injuries such as cuts or burns should always be seen by a doctor. Side effects caused by Betaisodona® Ointment are rare and can take the form of intolerance reactions or an impairment of thyroid function.

Indications for the Betaisodona® Ointment

The indications for Betaisodona® Ointment include superficial wounds such as those that can be closed up in everyday life during sports or in the household. With the exception of banal everyday injuries, treatment for the other indications mentioned should always be carried out with the involvement of a doctor or trained nurse. – In the case of slight abrasions to the knees or elbows after a fall or scratched-up insect bites, for example, the medicine can be used.

  • But also pressure sores, as can occur in bedridden people (decubitus), are often indicated with a germicidal agent such as Betaisodona® ointment. The same applies to lower leg ulcers, which can occur due to a venous disorder. – Betaisodona® Ointment is also indicated in many cases for burn wounds.
  • Furthermore, the product is used to treat wounds that have become inflamed due to invading germs such as bacteria. Betaisodona® Ointment is also suitable for lubrication on open wounds. It is precisely in such wounds that inflammation can occur due to penetrating bacteria that are naturally present on the intact skin surface.

The use of Betaisodona® Ointment or another product with comparable effect kills germs and thus prevents wound infection. There is also no need to worry about the application of Betaisodona® Ointment on an open wound burning severely, as the iodine contained in it is only gradually released from its chemical compound. A doctor should always be consulted in the case of large open wounds and especially in the case of cuts or burns.

Further wound treatment may be necessary and the tetanus vaccination protection should also be checked. Open wounds on the lower leg and pressure sores in bedridden people can also be treated with Betaisodona® Ointment but should also be assessed by a doctor. An abscess is a purulent inflammation caused by bacteria, which can occur in principle on any organ, whereby the skin is often affected.

Betaisodona® Ointment can be part of the treatment, but the use of an ointment is usually not a sufficient therapy for an abscess. In most cases it is necessary to open the encapsulated inflammation site so that the pus can drain off and the skin can heal. However, this should only be carried out by a doctor under sterile conditions.

Through a puncture or small incision, if necessary after local anaesthetic, the abscess is opened, the pus is removed and the wound is cleaned and disinfected. Betaisodona® ointment can be used as a follow-up treatment. Its germicidal effect is intended to counteract the development of a new inflammation and promote healing.

If an abscess is not opened and only Betaisodona® Ointment is rubbed into it, it can hardly affect the bacteria, as the capsule of the abscess is a barrier. In the case of hair follicle inflammation, also known as boils, the use of Betaisodona® Ointment or another preparation with a germicidal effect is useful in most cases. The ointment kills the bacteria that are usually responsible for the boil and the body can fight the inflammation.

However, a doctor should be consulted if the boils are very large or if they do not heal even after a few days. Under certain circumstances, a puncture with a cannula may first be necessary to relieve the pustule. The wound can then also be treated with Betaisodona® ointment.

If there is an inflammation of the nail bed, treatment with Betaisodona® Ointment can usually be carried out. This is done by applying some of the ointment to the inflamed toe or finger twice a day. However, in some cases such treatment is not sufficient.

There may be a cause for the nail bed inflammation that requires further treatment. For example, an ingrown toenail may be the trigger, which should be corrected by a minor surgical procedure. If the inflammation does not improve within three days despite regular use of Betaisodona® ointment, a doctor should therefore be consulted. If the nail bed inflammation is insufficiently treated, the infection can spread to other structures such as tendons, bones or joints, and in the worst case even threaten blood poisoning.