The biochemical supplements | Schüßler salts

The biochemical supplements

The product is primarily related to the skin and is used for stubborn skin conditions, including chronic skin conditions with severe itching. It is also used for weakness, cramps and paralysis, weight loss, watery diarrhea. The product works primarily on the skin and the nervous system.

It is used for nervous visual disorders, insomnia and as a sedative. An accompanying treatment with potassium bromatum can also be useful for thyroid diseases and irritation of the mucous membranes. The remedy influences the blood composition, dampens elevated blood pressure and stimulates the heart and brain blood circulation and its performance.

It promotes appetite and digestion. Its iodine content makes it a suitable remedy for thyroid gland disorders. Potassium iodatum is also used for arteriosclerosis and rheumatic joint complaints.

It is particularly effective for gout and rheumatic diseases associated with painful swelling and stiffening of the joints. It can also bring relief in cases of general exhaustion and emaciation, as well as inflammation in the area of the urinary tract. Lithium chloratum can also be attempted as an adjunctive treatment in manic-depressive states.

It can be used alternately with Ferrum phosphoricum for anemia, general exhaustion and circulatory disorders.Treatment with magnesium sulfuricum can also bring relief in cases of wandering rheumatic complaints and toothache. It is indicated for physical exhaustion and weight loss despite ravenous appetite. It is also used to treat neuralgia, sciatica, muscle cramps and epilepsy.

It relieves the symptoms of colic in the gastrointestinal tract and is used to treat water retention in the body associated with kidney problems. It is used for colic due to constipation, dizziness and dysfunction of the nervous system. It is important for growth and normal metabolic processes.

It has a special effect on the brain and spinal cord. For nervous insomnia, nervous diseases. Also for cramp-like complaints before and during menstruation.

For chronic catarrhs of the mucous membranes of the eyes, ears and airways and for swelling of the lymph glands. Calcium carbonicum is also said to be effective against premature aging, but this has to be proven. The agent activates the metabolism, promotes the excretion of urinary substances such as uric acid and stimulates the activity of the pancreas.

It is also used as a supporting treatment for weight loss. The product acts mainly on the mucous membranes of lymph glands and lungs and on the skin in cases of weeping eczema and acne. It is also used for weight loss and great weakness due to lung diseases.

In children, a remedy for chronic, longer-lasting inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and associated weight loss. Also asthma and hay fever belong to the areas of application.

  • Potassium arsenicosum (13)
  • Potassium bromatum (14)
  • Potassium iodate (15)
  • Lithium chlorate (16)
  • Manganese sulfuricum (17)
  • Calcium sulfuratum (18)
  • Cuprum arsenicosum (19)
  • Potassium aluminium sulfuricum (20)
  • Zincum chloratum (21)
  • Calcium carbonicum (22)
  • Sodium bicarbonicum (23)
  • Arsenum iodate (24)

In the course of treatment with biochemical means, a period of time will pass until the “inner balance” is restored and the organism is functioning properly.

This period of time must be filled with patience and critical observation. Only rarely is a quick effect observed. The effect of the remedies depends on the initial situation of the patient, the intensity of the health disorder, his physical and mental condition.