The causes and treatment of swollen eyes


One speaks of swollen eyes when one or both eyes are thickened by fluid retention in the tissue. The fluid comes from the lymphatic channels in which the lymph is otherwise transported away. Due to various causes, this removal can be disturbed. As a result, the lymph accumulates and is pressed into the surrounding tissue, where it is noticeable as swelling. Swollen eyes look unattractive, but in most cases they are harmless and the swelling subsides in time.

The most common causes of swollen eyes

There are many different causes for swollen eyes. In addition to allergic causes, various endogenous metabolic pathways can cause swelling of the eye; for example, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism, or reduced cardiac output. Furthermore, lack of sleep alone or in combination with alcohol consumption can cause swollen eyes.

If an affected person reports a fall or a blow to the eye, then in addition to the swelling, there may also be a larger injury to the eyeball or bone. However, crying and rubbing of the eyes can also be the cause. Inflammation of the eye is another group of possible causes.

So for example the barley grain or the corneal inflammation. Inflammation of the cornea can sometimes occur in connection with the frequent use of contact lenses and cause unpleasant swelling. If an affected person reports a fall or a blow to the eye, then in addition to the swelling, there may also be a larger injury to the eyeball or bone.

However, crying and rubbing of the eyes can also be the cause. Inflammation of the eye is another group of possible causes. So for example the barley grain or the corneal inflammation.

Inflammation of the cornea can sometimes occur in connection with the frequent use of contact lenses and cause unpleasant swelling. If the kidneys no longer perform their task adequately, swollen eyes can be a symptom. Besides the production of hormones, the main task of the kidneys is the production of urine.

Through this urine, toxins, decomposition substances and other metabolic products are excreted. If the kidneys are damaged by genetic causes, sugar (diabetes mellitus), high blood pressure (hypertension) or infection, they can no longer fulfil their purpose. The fluid that would otherwise be excreted in the urine is deposited in the body.

This is often in the legs, ankles and even the eyes. Otherwise, the lymph fluid flows through a complex system into the great vena cava. If additional symptoms such as general weakness, tiredness, itching, low urine excretion and also loss of appetite are also observed, a doctor should be consulted, as these can be indications of beginning or progressive renal insufficiency.

The consumption of alcohol causes short-term changes in the body’s hormone system. Alcohol blocks ADH, the anti-diuretic hormone – this leads to increased urine production, more frequent visits to the toilet and, as a result, the body loses more water. In general, this has the consequence that one feels a “fire” – one is very thirsty.

In the eye, this can lead to swelling. Due to the loss of fluid, the eye can no longer be kept adequately moist. This carries the risk that the eye dries out.

The body counteracts this by producing more lymph in the area of the eye and thus storing more fluid. In the course of the day, these deposits disappear again if sufficient fluid is drunk and exercise is performed. You can find an article on the topic of “dry eyes” here: Dry eyesIf swollen eyes are a regularly recurring problem, especially in the morning after getting up, then a lymph drainage disorder may be the cause.

During the night the person lies or sleeps in a horizontal position. As a result, there is no gravity, which means that the lymph can flow easily when a person is standing. As a test, it is possible to sleep at night with the upper body in a high position.

You should also make sure that you do not sleep with your temple on your hand – this can also interrupt the lymph drainage. Another cause may be that too much lymph is produced in the area of the eye. Reasons for this can be alcohol consumption, kidney damage, inflammation or even injuries to the eye.

A careful massage of the surrounding tissue can help to reduce the swelling.In other places it is reported that very salty or even protein-rich food in the evening or before sleeping can cause similar problems. Should swollen eyes occur more frequently in the morning, then it should be considered whether a very salty meal was eaten in the evening. Basically, a slight lymph congestion can occur.

If it occurs frequently, however, the family doctor or an eye specialist should be consulted. The formation of tear sacs has other causes than a swollen eye. While a swollen eye is usually a short- to medium-term condition, bags under the eyes are a problem that develops over years.

Contrary to what the name suggests, the bags under the eyes do not contain tears. The cause can be lifestyle dependent, but also genetic. Especially unhealthy nutrition, smoking and drinking are said to have a positive effect on the formation of lachrymal sacs.

They are caused by the storage of fats and metabolic products below the eye in the lower eyelid. A swelling of the lower eyelid can also occur. However, healthy and younger people can also be affected, in which case there is a genetic cause. But even then, a healthy lifestyle should be observed in order not to promote the problem.