The composition of gallstones – what do they consist of? | Gall Bladder Inflammation

The composition of gallstones – what do they consist of?

The stones are formed when there is a solution imbalance of bile acids, lecithin and substances such as cholesterol, calcium carbonate, bilirubin. With about 80% cholesterol stones or mixed stones with a high proportion of cholesterol are the most common stones. This is followed by bilirubin or pigment stones and calcium carbonate stones, which are produced by bacteria, with 10% each.

Gallstones are often discovered only by chance, as they often remain without symptoms for many years. Even in the case of a symptom-free gallstone disease, a minimally invasive removal of the gall bladder can be performed to prevent colic and inflammation. This option should be considered, as these stones often cause problems sooner or later.

Since the gallbladder is not a vital organ, the body can manage without it. The risks of a minimally invasive cholecystectomy are considered to be low.