The contractions cocktail

What is a contraction cocktail?

The so-called contraction cocktail is a drink consisting of various natural ingredients and is intended to promote the onset of labour. A contraceptive cocktail is prepared by the responsible midwives and is only considered if the birth is delayed or complications occur which endanger the well-being of the child in the womb. The active ingredient of the contraction cocktail is castor oil.

The castor oil has a laxative effect. Other components of the contractions cocktail serve to dilute the castor oil and neutralize the bad taste. Under no circumstances should a contraction cocktail be made and taken on your own! It is used in birth clinics under the supervision of doctors and midwives.

When is a contraction cocktail administered?

A contraction cocktail is only recommended in Germany if the birth is clearly delayed. The exceeding of the calculated date of birth by 14 days is called “transfer”. It can also happen that the amniotic sac has already burst, but the contractions do not start.

Basically, in all cases in which the well-being of the child in the womb is endangered or the comprehensive care via the placenta is not or no longer guaranteed, the “artificial” initiation of birth is considered. A prerequisite for the administration of the contraceptive cocktail is that the mother’s body must be ready to give birth – this means that the cervix must be open or at least soft. With the completion of the 41st week of pregnancy, birth initiation measures such as the administration of a contraceptive cocktail can be used.

After taking the cocktail, the effect sets in within approx. 6 hours. The cocktails are always initiated under the control of an experienced doctor and midwife and should never be performed at home and without medical supervision! Do you have any further questions?

What ingredients does a contraction cocktail contain?

The effective ingredient of the contraction cocktail is usually castor oil. This acts as a natural laxative. This means that castor oil has a laxative effect.

The laxative effect of castor oil is based on a stronger contraction of the intestine, and this increased intestinal activity also stimulates the muscles of the uterus, which is ultimately responsible for the contractions. However, castor oil also appears to have a direct effect on prostaglandin receptors in the uterus, which also has a birth-initiating effect. Further ingredients are These further ingredients serve to neutralize the rather unpleasant taste of castor oil. It is important to note that virtually every midwife or hospital has developed its own special recipe for contractions cocktails – so there is no uniform mixture.

  • Almond paste,
  • Apricot juice,
  • Various essential oils and
  • Different spices.