The cost of a gastric bypass


A gastric bypass is for some people the last option against their overweight. However, since the operation is a major procedure, the costs are high. Cheaper offers are available abroad.

Furthermore, a gastric bypass is associated with a costly aftercare. The assumption of costs by the health insurance company is very time-consuming and is not always approved. But what costs are involved in case of self-coverage?

What are the costs for those with statutory health insurance?

The cost of a gastric bypass in Germany is about 10,000 to 15,000 euros. However, additional costs may be incurred due to the stay in hospital. For more detailed information, a direct inquiry must be made with the appropriate hospital.

However, some clinics do not perform the gastric bypass surgery if the costs are not covered by the health insurance. At other hospitals, the costs can be paid in installments. In any case, it is worth asking your health insurance company first whether the costs are covered, even though this can be very time-consuming.

Usually BMI of more than 40 kg/m2, the entire costs are usually covered by the statutory health insurance companies. However, the actual costs of an operation cannot be precisely quantified in advance. In case of complications, the costs can be covered by the health insurance company.

But often they resist, so that in the end one is left with the additional costs. Depending on the complications, this can easily amount to several thousand euros. For possible complications, an insurance can be taken out in advance to cover the additional costs. However, this usually costs between 1,000 and 2,000 euros, but in the event of serious complications it can protect you from ever increasing costs.

What are the costs for privately insured persons?

The costs for privately insured patients also amount to 10,000 to 15,000 Euros if they pay for themselves. The conditions for cost coverage by the health insurance company are basically the same as for a statutory health insurance. However, some private health insurance companies are more willing to pay for the operation than others.

Therefore, it is worthwhile in any case to first ask the health insurance company about the coverage of costs. Even in case of complications it is questionable whether the private health insurance will cover the follow-up costs. Also here it is advisable to ask first and then, if necessary, conclude a follow-up cost insurance.