The cost of a seal | The seal

The cost of a seal

The cost of a seal, i.e. a tooth filling, depends on the material chosen for the filling. In most cases there is the possibility of a plastic or amalgam filling. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most frequently chosen seal is made of plastic. The disadvantage of this, however, is that the patient has to make a private co-payment. The statutory health insurance only covers amalgam fillings in the posterior region and plastic fillings in the anterior and canine region. The costs of plastic fillings in the posterior region depend on the size of the filling and are calculated per area. Depending on the number of areas, the costs can amount to about 50 to 300€.

Pain under the seal

Pain under a seal is in many cases a sign of caries under the filling. If, in addition to the existing pain, the tooth is particularly sensitive to temperature or irritation, this supports the fact of existing caries under the seal. If the pain persists, a dentist must be consulted to find out the cause of the pain.