The diagnosis | The sensory disorders

The diagnosis

Sensitivity disorders are mainly recorded on the basis of the description of the affected person and the neurological examination. Here it is particularly important to examine all qualities (touch, temperature, pain and vibration) of sensitivity. The next step is to clarify which underlying disease is causing the sensation. Finally, a neurophysiological examination can differentiate the type of damage. This involves an electro-eurography (ENG), in which the conduction speed of the nerves is measured, and an electromyography (EMG) to measure the muscle response.

The treatment

The cure of a sensitivity disorder is achieved by treating the underlying disease. The identification of the cause and the therapy of the disease are the first steps. Nevertheless, there are also symptomatic therapies, for example in the case of polyneuropathy.

There is the possibility of using antidepressants or antiepileptic drugs, which work well in the case of sensation and pain. Painkillers of the opioid family are also used. Normal analgesics such as ibuprofen or paracetamol are not effective enough for this type of pain.

There are also external (topical) therapies such as lidocaine patches or capsaicin ointment. To assess the effectiveness of one of these therapies, it is necessary to adhere to them for up to one month. After about a year, one can try to discontinue the therapy. In the case of compression of the nerve, surgery can be performed and the nerve can be exposed again, for example in carpal tunnel syndrome or a herniated disc.

The duration

The duration of the sensory disturbances is strongly dependent on the cause. If the underlying disease is well treated, the sensations can improve over the course of time. In the case of a stroke or multiple sclerosis, the symptoms can disappear completely within a few weeks. If the nerves are constricted, for example by a herniated disc, the symptoms can fluctuate. In polyneuropathy, the course of the disease is more chronic, but can be stabilized with good treatment of the underlying disease