The different localization | Swollen lymph nodes during pregnancy

The different localization

Swelling in the armpit during pregnancy can be a swollen lymph node as well as a dislocated mammary gland, which grows under the influence of hormones during pregnancy and can impress like a lymph node. An axillary lymph node can also swell in the context of an infection that affects the entire body or is caused, for example, by a wound in the breast area. However, the fact that swollen lymph nodes in the armpits of women can also be metastases of breast cancer should be a cause for concern.

Enlarged lymph nodes of the neck are generally the most common, as infections of the upper respiratory tract are common. This is due to the fact that many germs are absorbed through the mouth and nose and this is where the first stages of defence are located. Even after the infection has already subsided, the regression of the lymph nodes can continue for some time and should not cause concern.

However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, a doctor should be consulted. More rarely, cells from a mouththroat cancer can settle in a cervical lymph node, which is then called metastasis. The lymph nodes of the groin represent the immune defense station from the genital area.

They can be swollen due to an infection or due to a reaction after sexual intercourse.In principle, the same applies as for other localizations of swollen lymph nodes: For the symptoms “painless, hard and non-displaceable” immediate clarification is required, as well as for other signs of inflammation such as fever, fatigue and malodorous discharge (which may indicate venereal disease). The lymph nodes, which are located behind the ear, are filter stations for a small circumscribed area of the head. For example, inflammation of the parotid gland by salivary stones can cause swelling and increase the size of the lymph nodes.

More rarely, the toxoplasmosis pathogen can be responsible for this. Since the swelling is often painful, a quick visit to a doctor is indicated. More information about swollen lymph nodes behind the ear can be found here.