The drug therapy of ADS

  • Attention Deficit Syndrome
  • Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS)
  • Behavioural disorder with attention and concentration disorders

The abbreviation ADS stands for a syndrome, the attention deficit syndrome. A syndrome expresses the fact that there is a variety of symptoms – both main and accompanying symptoms, which are more or less obvious to the outside world. The synonym ADD (Attention – Deficit – Disorder) is also known, which in principle addresses the same syndrome.

As there, the disease can be supplemented by an H for hyperactivity or hyperactivity. ADD children who behave inattentively but not impulsively and hyperactively are often very introverted and “dream”, may not be noticed at all or may tend to be less negative than ADD children, for example. Both “types” can only partially – usually not sufficiently – build up the attention needed to successfully process information.

This of course has consequences. At school, the variable and sometimes below-average attention span can have a negative effect on school grades, often accompanied by ADHD symptoms such as reading, spelling and/or arithmetic difficulties. In general, there is the possibility that an ADS child is above average intelligent.

Since the accompanying symptoms of ADHD often do not “allow” this suspicion through the child’s behaviour, the intelligence of a child is usually also assessed within the scope of the diagnostic survey. In this way, specific statements can be made about giftedness or normal giftedness. The statements regarding possible causes of ADHD suggest, based on the current state of research, that “real” ADHD children, i.e. children with a clearly diagnosed attention deficit syndrome, are subject to an imbalance of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain, as a result of which the transmission of information between the nerve cells of individual brain areas does not function adequately.

And this is exactly where the drug therapy of ADHD comes in. Its aim is to alleviate symptoms and enable the child to live and learn adequately. The division of ADHD symptoms into main and accompanying symptoms makes it clear that a therapy should always be multimodal and thus be directed in different directions.

Since, according to the current state of research, the imbalance of the messenger substances does not allow the transmission of information between the nerve cells of individual parts of the brain to function adequately, an attempt is being made to address this problem with drug therapy. What this means in individual cases can be read below. Furthermore, drug therapy alone is not sufficient to treat all symptoms of ADHD in an appropriate manner.

Many behaviours have crept in and have also made it clear that it is quite difficult to turn away from them. Thus, a drug therapy can be additionally supported by: Often the family burden is so high due to the many problems that arise that the family or individual persons (have to) be accompanied therapeutically. Be honest with yourself: ask for help and be prepared to accept it whenever it seems necessary. – a targeted support in the domestic, family area

  • Psychotherapeutic therapies
  • Forms of curative therapy
  • Nutrition therapies