The duration | Itchy eyes

The duration

Unfortunately, no statement can be made about the duration of an itchy eye. It is strongly dependent on the underlying disease. If an allergy is the cause of the complaints, the symptoms can disappear quite quickly if the allergen is avoided.

If the cause is infectious, the duration depends on the type of pathogen and how well it responds to therapy. An eye that is too dry can be successfully treated with appropriate eye drops. The symptoms disappear within a few days.

The eye itches in the inner angle

For an itchy corner of the eye, there are several possible triggers. For example, an allergy can lead to itching. Frequent rubbing can irritate especially the inner corner of the eye more, so that the itching in this area is more noticeable.

Furthermore, a sebaceous gland may be inflamed. In the case of a barley grain, a bacterial infection of a sebaceous gland leads to inflammation. In the context of this inflammation, an itching also develops.

The eye itches at the edge of the eyelashes

In the context of an inflammation of the eyelid margin (so-called blepharitis), itching at the edge of the eyelashes can occur. In addition, swelling and redness of the eyelid may occur. Increased tear secretion and pain can also occur.

Blepharitis can be infectious or due to other causes, such as neurodermatitis or rosacea. If blepharitis is suspected, an ophthalmologist should be consulted, as bacterial infections may need antibiotic treatment. You can find a list of all the topics on ophthalmology that we have already published under Ophthalmology A-Z

  • Eye drops and eye ointments
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Red eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Allergy
  • Contact lenses